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Constant shuffling, an occasional cough, the sound of sneakers scraping against the tiled floor. A hesitant voice mumbling words of encouragement. Hushed, broken sobs coming from a woman that was huddled on a chair in the corner. Everything seemed so loud, yet so distant and faded. How was that even possible? People who were inches away seemed as if they were in a separate room.

Maybe it was because he couldn't take his eyes off the body. The almost lifeless form laying still on the bed, with strawberry blonde hair strewn out across the pure white pillows. Eyes shut, like she was sleeping, with lips the color of a white rose and skin as pale as the walls that surrounded them.  She resembled a Disney princess. Her left hand, with a silver band on the fourth finger, hung loosely against the edge of the bed.

The ginger man standing at her side, with his hand placed tentatively next to hers, tried to ward away all the thoughts of what had happened a few hours prior. 


"Really? Must you be such a brat?" She laughed as she ducked to avoid his wiggling fingers. 

"Sam, you should know better by now. Of course I must be such a brat," he managed to grasp her waist, pulling the girl onto his lap and pressing a messy kiss onto her cheek.

She giggled before swatting at his hands. "Let me go, Ed."

"Why? I'm rather comfortable." Then, to prove his point, rested his chin on her shoulder. She squirmed under his arms, but he kept his grip firm. 

"Ugh, just let me up! I'm feeling dizzy!" Sam insisted, refusing to settle.

"What are the magic words?" There was a prominent smirk set across his lips as he turned a bit so he could catch a glimpse of her exasperated face. 

Her hazel eyes rolled at him. "Ed Sheeran: You are the most perfect human being to walk this earth and I am in love with you beyond belief. Now, would you be a doll and let me up?"

He obeyed, arms loosening as she shot up. She stuck out her tongue before presenting her fingers, which were crossed. Ed gasped, "Hey!"

"Now, stop being a five year old, and order me some pizza!" Sam let out a tinkly laugh, one that surrounded the entire room.

Ed smiled to himself, the mere presence of the girl lifted his spirits high. But the sound of Sam suddenly gasping for breath wiped the smile right off of Ed's face. 

The short girl was standing with wide, frightened eyes as she placed her hand over her heart. Her skin had gone from from rosy red to ghostly white within nanoseconds. Then, her eyes suddenly snapped shut, as if trying to ward off the pain. She panted irregularly, slowly falling to the ground. Her body crumpled so easily it was like she was made out of paper... Ed felt like if he tried to move her, she'd snap in half as easily as a twig branch. When Ed placed his hand on her chest, her heartbeat was hardly there.

Ed fumbled around in his pocket for his phone and shakily dialed the 9-1-1 number. He rambled off to the operator while shifting Sam onto his lap, so he could run his fingers through her hair.

She forced her eyelids open, those hazel colored eyes looking at Ed; pain written in the specks of color. Seconds ticked by.



"Breathe, Sam! Just breathe!"



"You're going to be fine! Just breathe. In, out!"



"Ed," she said in a raspy whisper, one that he struggled to hear.

"I'm here, Sam. I'm not going anywhere." He reassured her, his hand tracing the contours of her face - as if trying to memorize every aspect of this girl.



"I love you." She murmured.



Sam's eyes squeezed shut again, hand clutching onto Ed.

His heart pounded loudly against his chest, his entire body pulsing with worry for his fiancé. 


"Ed, Samantha has cardiovascular disease.." The doctor said in a quiet tone in the privacy of his office. 

Ed's eyes flew open in shock as he soundlessly shook his head violently back and forth. There was no way. No way. They must have messed up. There was no way.

The doctor's eyes flashed with sympathy before he settled his hand on Ed's shoulder. "I know it's not easy to hear this-"

A young nurse burst into the room, mouth open as she tried to fill her lungs with oxygen. She looked at Ed briefly before turning to the doctor and saying in a frantic voice. "Patient has gone into cardiac arrest."

Immediately, the doctor and the nurse ran off towards Room 774, the room his Samantha was in. Ed rushed in after them, his feet slamming against the floor as his heart beat heavily against his thin t-shirt. 

Nurses and doctors surrounded his girl, random words and numbers getting called out as they struggled to keep her heart beating. Many words rushed through Ed's mind, some not suitable for children, as he watched Sam convulse with her eyes firmly shut.

He felt a hand land on his upper arm, but he ignored it as he watched in a numb state as the doctors continued to work. 

And sixty short seconds later...

Ed couldn't hold back the scream that left his lips as the heart monitor flatlined.


It's baaaaack!


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IG/Twitter: MyHeartsMistake


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