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~ Chapter Three ~

If it hadn't been for the multitudes of friends and family telling him to check with the lawyers on where Samantha's possessions would be going, Ed would never have shown up at the lawyer firm. He hadn't even given her items any thought, because he didn't really care. So to find out Sam had a will was surprising, yet didn't do anything to uplift his spirits.

Mrs. Jensen, Samantha's mother, smiled at Ed as he arrived at the dome shaped building. It was a perfect depiction of Ed's emotions; Grey walls, dark washed marble steps, and gloomy dark windows. Even the weather was mourning for Sam - the clouds full and black, rain falling periodically.

"Ed, darling, please say you've been taking care of yourself." Mrs. Jensen asked as Ed made his way to the top step.

"Of course," he lied, trying to keep up a facade that everything in his life was fine.

"For some reason, I highly doubt that." Mrs. Jensen sighed, her grey hair flat around her heart shaped face. One that resembled Sam's, something Ed was trying to not focus on. "But hopefully when we get inside, you might cheer up a bit. You know Sam wouldn't want you to be so sad."

Ed bit his lip, trying to keep himself from snapping out something rude. He didn't need to be told about how his fiancé would want him to get over it. Ed didn't want to believe any of their words of sympathy, he wanted to believe that he shouldn't move on.

"Mrs. Jensen, Mr. Sheeran. If you'd step into Mr. Stem's office." The secretary said as the two entered the office area.

They obeyed, entering the small office. It seemed exactly like a lawyer's office would be, with artistic paintings strategically placed around the small room. There was a placard on the desk, as well as a few family portraits.

"Good afternoon," a short, balding man entered from behind. He shook both their hands, before settling into the swivel chair behind his desk. "I'm Jonathon Stem. But please, call me Jon."

"Nice to meet you." Mrs. Jensen nodded before placing the manila envelope onto the desk in front of him.

"I'm assuming this is Samantha's will." Jon said as he opened it and let the different sets of papers float out.

Mrs. Jensen nodded as Jon shifted his way through the papers. He mumbled to himself - not making any sense to Ed. Then Jon produced a small rectangle envelope, one that had "The Love Of My Life: Ed" written across it in Sam's messy handwriting.

Ed's breath caught in his throat, immediately reaching for it. Jon handed it over without hesitation. With a glance towards Mrs. Jensen, Ed excused himself from the room. His heart pounded against his chest, his palms growing sweaty as he anticipated what the letter contained inside. A part of him said it was nothing, simply a 'hey, I love you, okay bye' or maybe a 'I left everything to you' or something short and not at all worth getting excited about. But then, a part of him was nagging at him that maybe, just maybe, it was something more than that.

Maybe it was something he could hold on to, something that would remind him how much she loved him. A glimmer of hope that it could be a forever memento. A piece of Samantha.

He wandered through the halls, looking for a place he could be to himself. Finally he found somewhere, a simple bench somewhere hidden away in one of the rooms. Ed took a deep breath, settling himself down and prepping himself to slide open the letter. His slipped the paper into his hands, his thumb rubbing over the familiar handwriting.

My dearest, dearest, beloved Ed,

I truly hope that you don't ever actually have to read this. I'd so much rather know that I'm writing this letter to never be read. But if you are reading this, I hope you're not considering becoming a hermit. If I'm gone, I hope you're okay.

The other day, something huge happened. This man, this incredible man, proposed to me. Little old me from Manchester. Meeting you, Ed, has been one of the most amazing blessings I've ever gotten. Those old cliche stories of two people meeting in a coffee shop? That was us.

You make me laugh, you make me cry, and you also annoy the heck out of me. But that's what makes you perfect. Your journey with music has inspired me in so many ways. You never gave up, that option never even crossed your mind. So long as you were playing your guitar, you were happy. That happiness brought me joy. And let's just say, getting serenaded by you isn't all that bad ;)

Everything you've done for me... Thank you. You are the reason I'm not afraid of trying new things. If I know I have you with me, I can do anything. I've traveled the world! I've eaten really strange food! I've met so many different people.. And I owe it all to you.

Something you told me once, it was when we were at the park. You had brought your guitar and you were just singing and playing.. You didn't have any set lyrics, or any planned chords, you just sang what you felt. Those are the songs I love most. The ones where you don't think about it... It just flows. Anyways. You told me "You know how space just seems so far away? When you think about the fact that we're just little people on a little planet. We're not anything special - unless we make ourselves believe we are special and that we're not just another person on earth."

You've made me believe in my self, that I'm not just another speck. That I'm unique. Thank you, my love.

That day I met you, something within me knew everything was about to change. You made me who I am.

Okay, enough with the soppy compliments... Down to serious business.

As I said, I hope that you never actually read this.. But if you do... Please know that I love you. With all of my heart. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you.

But if I'm gone, don't be sad. Well, be sad, and yeah, you should mourn... Because, I mean, I want you to be a little sad if I'm gone. Just don't, please don't, lock yourself away for the rest of your life. Get back out there. Let Harry set you up on blind dates, continue with the career you've worked so hard for, smile and laugh. Move on.

I know it sounds weird, but I don't want you to be alone. So, if God has it in mind, find another girl if I'm no longer here. Don't limit yourself, don't be that guy who can't get over someone he lost.

"Sometimes I forget that life is so short." Those are the words you said to me on the way to Paris for one of your concerts. See? Don't be so lost without me, I mean, I know I'm amazing and everything.. But I'm just one person. I know there is so much out there for you.

And yeah, I'm saying all this.. And yes I mean all of it. I don't want to leave you - ever. But if it's meant to be, it will be. Just know that I'm not the only one who loves and cares for you. Open yourself up.

You're my love, my shining light in the darkness and my rescuer. Thank you. Thank you for loving me, for caring about me, for taking care of me. Never doubt for a second that I love you with everything I am.

Now, I better go make you dinner so you don't come home all grouchy.

Ed Sheeran, I love you.

All my love,


Ed's emotions were indescribable, his grey eyes sporting tears and his left hand gripped the bench so tightly his knuckles were pure white. He was nibbling on his bottom lip, as he reread bits and pieces of it. The fact that a simple paper with messy handwriting could impact a life so much was astounding. It wasn't fancy paper and her T's were a bit too crooked and her K's were nowhere near readable. But that's what the entire thing perfect. The imperfections came together to create something so incredibly beautiful to Ed.

The decision was made... Although - he doesn't remember the exact moment he thought of it or when he finalized that it was going to happen. The idea sprouted in his mind like a seed getting watered and growing into a tree.

Ed knew exactly how to get closure.


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