New Names

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Chapter 1

New Names

Sitting in the passenger seat of a car, a girl sighed.

She was pale, had dark hair with green highlights, and for about two hours, her name had been Jamie Grant.

Jamie had had many names: Leslie Quinn, Katherine Pritchard, Naiomi Pope. The list goes on and on.

She thought back as to why she was sitting in her sister's car with bruised knuckles, a split lip, and a new name.


"Come on, Leslie," the hunter said tauntingly, creeping closer to her. "You can do better than that."

Leslie was on the floor of a rather beautiful house, crawling backward, away from the man.

She wasn't trying to escape, oh no, she knew that wouldn't be smart. If she left, he'd just go after the other supernatural creatures, this time they were pixies, in the house. But she kinda liked the carpet in that room and figured the family hiding in the attic didn't want to get any more blood on it.

When she finally reached the kitchen of the current almost-victims' house, she could tell because of the feeling of the cool tile hitting her hands.

She smiled slightly, standing up.

"See," he told her, "I knew you could do it. Too bad you won't be on your feet for long."

She smirked. "Oh, really?"

And she lunged.

The two exchanged blows, neither really landing any hits until he punched her in the face, splitting her lip.

She flew back slightly, clutching her face. She could feel the blood trickling down her chin from her lip.

Now she was pissed.

"Wow." He nodded, unimpressed. "With how much you're worth on the list, I would've thought you'd put up more of a fight."

"What list?" she asked breathlessly, wiping her bloodied hand on her black jeans.

"The list of creatures we can kill for money. Beacon Hills is a weird place." He advanced towards her. "Now," he pulled out a gun and pointed it at her, "Thank you for making me rich. Who would have known that the girl of many faces would have been so easy to take down."

She sprung forward, pushing the gun out of the way with her left hand, kneeing him in the gut, and punching him in the face with her right.

She heard the gun go off and shoot a wall behind her before her punch landed.

But when it did, he hit the ground hard, knocking himself out.

She ran up the stairs of the house to where her sister, Elle, was guarding the family of pixies and told them that everything was okay. The four fluttery people let out sighs of relief, hugging each other tightly.

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