Stacking Cards on a Sinking Ship

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Mephisto spends his winter break wrapping up loose ends, corralling his precious pawns who refuse to fall into place, and dealing with changes he never expected.


Sooooo what can I say, Mephisto is a mouthy bastard with a lot of issues to work through? Hence why the original chapter 5 had to be split into two because it was going on 52 pages (about 17k words) with at least another 10 pages to go (at LEAST).

You guys get the first 36 pages now and then the big finale and I can finally rest after the Long Night XD

Aka get back to the other fics lololol

Songs of the Chapter:

Serial Killer by Moncrieff x Judge

Porcelain (AWAY Remix) by Skott

He left Rin with Amaimon, not knowing what he would come back to, whether his home would be standing or Amaimon burnt again and Rin lost to his instincts or-

Or none of those scenarios, Mephisto huffed a breath through his nose, putting the many possibilities waiting for his return aside. He had more important things to think about.

So many things to consider. He needed to have the lab and its contents analyzed to present to the Grigori for the inevitable trial either he or Rin or both would be put on for slaughtering humans, but before that he would need to have the footage doctored to remove any trace of his relationship with Rin, and now he would have to deal with Azazel and his betrayal, another side to the conflict he'd never anticipated.

But then, Azazel had never operated on logic. Corralling him would take tiresome leaps through philosophical debates he thought he'd seen the end of with Azazel's crystallization.

Especially now that he'd taken one of the humans Azazel favored. His claim on Lewin had been strong, implying that he still maintained it through the physical barrier, still cared enough to renew it when Lewin visited.

Would he do such a thing, were he ever in the crystalline state? Would he do it for Rin? A what-if scenario he didn't have an answer to.

The more immediate issue waiting for him to address took his attention from the odd musings.

Mephisto appeared before the location he'd received from Shura, remembering human civilities at the last second to knock on the door.

Even that small misstep, almost forgetting himself and appearing inside as if he were as uncouth as Amaimon, was off-putting.

He'd thought he'd covered Samael with Mephisto, but he could feel his true nature biting at every action, a detrimental effect to his performance that would need to be watertight to get everything back on track.

Doubly so when interacting with these particular humans, he grimaced, hearing the footsteps approaching, Shura, by the sound of them.

Yukio, he could manipulate in his sleep, but Shura had the delightful ability to catch small slips and details, much like Rin had begun to do the more time they spent together.

The door opened.

"Woah, you look like shit."

"Thank you for that, Miss Kirigakure, the consequences of near complete immolation, holding a certain gate, and maintaining this form can be straining, as you've pointed out."

"Immolation, you found him already?"

Exact case in point. It seemed Shura wouldn't let lack of sleep and worry cloud her judgment tonight. Mephisto would have to keep that in mind.

The Long Night A Blue Exorcist Fanfic RinxAmaimonxMephistoWhere stories live. Discover now