What is Dark, Illuminate

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Were Samael's original plans for Rin's awakening any kinder to Rin? Objectively, yes. Subjectively, Rin needs a long vacation and a few fluffy fics to overcome what he keeps getting put through.


I hope Mephisto knows a good therapist because they're all gonna need one after this chapter :D

Chapter Text

Rin darted his gaze around the chamber, eyes wild, panting in ragged breaths. A snarl tore past his lips and he wrenched at the demon clawing in futility against him.

The crack of bones and squelch of rending flesh had stopped making him flinch a long while ago.

Now he just searched for his next target.

A new hobgoblin threw itself at him, Rin met it in a whirl of slashing claws and grappling limbs.

He roared his agony, then his victory, swallowing the dying gurgles from the gaping hole he'd ripped in the hobgoblin's esophagus.

Another latched it's fangs deep into his thigh in his distraction and Rin dropped to his knees as the muscle weakened and failed.

Clothes, already darkly colored and stained from the previous torture, were soaked in the gore drenched floor Rin scrabbled on in his struggle with the hobgoblin.

Rin won that fight, too.

But it was getting harder and he was taking longer to heal.

They wouldn't let him rest, sending waves of hobgoblins, weak, even in hoards, and far beneath Rin's level.

It didn't matter, after enough of them.

More came, their hyena laughter and chittering growls no longer sparking the adrenaline rush that had gotten him through the first waves.

He stumbled to his feet and hunched forward to present a smaller hitbox for them to aim for, keeping his back to the wall to give them fewer angles to attack from.

Rin had learned that early on, to wait for them, conserve energy, let them wear themselves out and only go for-

His claws gouged into the eyes of the next demon to attack, punching through to the skull so Rin could swing its body into the wall with crushing force.

-Only go for kill shots, he finished internally, a reminder, though he didn't know if it really mattered in the end.

Flames beat at his insides, fighting to break free, a rush of nearly endless energy caught beneath the seals and only serving to steal the concentration from Rin's mind.

Falling to his instincts now wouldn't help him, Rin knew, sweat and blood burning at his eyes where it slid down his matted hair.

But focus was getting harder to hold as exhaustion made his hits sloppy, his dodges half-hearted, and his determination falter.

Rin couldn't stop the next hobgoblin, twisting with the force that spun his body in a pained torque until the floor rose up to meet him.

"Ah-!" He gagged, scream cut off by the fangs now lodged in his collar, grinding into the bone and whiting out his vision.

It hurt. It hurt so much and he just wanted it to stop. He wanted everything to stop.

His claws clutched at the heavy body over him, movements sluggish as he tried to remember why he was fighting.

Why was he fighting?


He had to...

He had to get back to them.

The Long Night A Blue Exorcist Fanfic RinxAmaimonxMephistoWhere stories live. Discover now