Arc 1: Babysitting (二)

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Treading the mountain was no big deal, but he had a child with him. He had to be constantly worrying whether the child was cold or hungry, and even changing the diapers became a problem for Lin Jia Qian.

He held little Mo Ran so close to his chest wrapping all up like a dumpling. Hiding the baby who was sucking on the superficial tits he was wearing underneath his thick clothing.

"Luckily, we did not pass by anyone here, or I could have died of embarrassment right now. Ahh, this is seriously making me crazy..!"

The little dumpling continued to suck out milk in silence. Even when he had fallen asleep, his little tiny mouth still was sucking on the teat.

This mountain trip took them another week to reach another village whereby its population was at least a hundred times greater than the first village they've been. This was where they finally settled down and the village was now their own hometown.

Lin Jia Qian found himself a job in the paddy plantation. He needed a steady income if he was to raise the baby. In the daytime, he would leave little Mo Ran in the care of the friendly neighbors and return in the evening to bring him home. The days went on peacefully, at least until little Mo Ran had started to learn to crawl.

After lulling the little one to sleep, Lin Jia Qian took a quick shower himself and lied in bed. He stared at little Mo Ran for a long time his eyes started drooping and he drifted off to sleep.

It was one summer night. It should not have been that cold that he did not think of covering himself with a blanket. But he indeed felt the chilling wind brushing against his skin. A tickling sensation kept on circulating his right nipple.

Lin Jia Qian was half woken. His hands patted the bed left and right and he woke up startled after not finding the sleeping baby.

"Mo Ran?"

He then heard the faint suckling sound and only realized the light weighted little one was on top of his bare flat chest, his robes partially wide open on his upper part of the body where the little one was sucking diligently with both of his eyes shut together peacefully. He found it amusing and chuckled. He held little Mo Ran, patting him on the small back.

"Mo Ran ah, Mo Ran, were you hungry in your dreams?"

The baby replied with only a grumble of satisfaction. Lin Jia Qian tried moving the little one back to his sleeping spot by his side but little Mo Ran would wail in distress even in his sleep. He had no other choices left to decide and just let the child remain on that one spot on his chest.

His nipple was swollen red the next morning. When the little one tried to go up to his chest the other day, he had to switch the baby from left to right to left so that his nipples didn't get too wind up swollen again.

The first few years were tiring for Lin Jia Qian. He raised the child the way he learned from books. He was clumsy and thick headed at times but luckily for him, little Mo Ran had never fallen sick while in his care.


Little Mo Ran was now 7 years old. He sat under the neighbor's porch waiting for the sun to go down. His two young friends Shen An and Shen Xi were waiting alongside him with Mochi in their little mouths, softly chewing down on them.

A group of men finally rose up from the paddy fields, going back to their homes. When Little Mo Ran finally found the one plain faced man he'd recognized from among the group, he stood and ran over excitedly.

"Lin papa!!"

"Oh? Here comes my little puppy~! Were you a good boy while I was working in the field?"

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