You shiver in disgust as the man -probably in his 50's- racks his eyes all over you. Nonetheless, you keep up your act.

"If you don't mind, can I get your numbers before I head out for the night?"

The men smirk, hands eagerly reaching for their pockets.


You run up to Jungkook, who is hiding next to a bush.

"Why'd you take so long?" He asks. "I was getting worried."

"Let's just say I have the numbers of two old hags on my phone now."

Jungkook raises an eyebrow questioningly but you dismiss him with a wave of your hand.

"Nevermind that, let's get out of here."

"Okay, but one question before we leave, how are we going to get back?"

You stop and think for a while before shrugging, "eh, we'll work it out. Just YOLO it."

"The last time you said that you nearly ended up with a broken ass."

You grimace remembering the pain of the fall. It had settled down due to the adrenaline but now it starts to hurt again, just by the mention of it.

"Let's not talk about that."

And with that, the two of you head off into the seemingly endless night. Heartbeats beating in a synchronized pattern of fear and excitement for the unclear journey ahead.


"Stay low and don't cause a scen-"

"Ow ow my foot owww," Jungkook screeches as he jumps around, gaining the attention of on-goers.

The boy crouches down and massages his foot while you send him a death glare.

"So much for not causing a scene," you mutter under your breath while smiling awkwardly at the weird looks being sent your direction.

"Hurry up before someone recognises you," you hiss.

Jungkook grumbles before fumbling behind you. "So where are we going first?"

"First we are going to a convenience store and getting some face masks... and a change of clothes," you say while eyeing the boy's bright orange attire. "And then we let my gut lead the way?"

"Why not your heart?"

"Cause the last time I let my heart lead the way, I ended up in a strip club."

Jungkook looks at you for a second before nodding.

The two of you discreetly make your way to a nearby convenience store. The bright flashing lights of 7- Eleven welcome you as you arrive.

"Okay Jungkook, I'm going to quickly go in and buy some stuff, you stay back here and don't get caught."

The boy nods. "Okay."

And with that, you head off to the store.

With quick movements, you grab some face masks, jeans and a hoodie, hoping that the clothes will fit the brunette.

The elderly man at the counter smiles at you, "is that it for today?"

You nod, smiling back at him.

"That will be $30.55 please."

You pull out your card and awkwardly type in your pin. For some reason, you feel nervous so you keep messing up the pin.

"Um, Ms, are you okay?"

"A-ah yes, sorry."

After finally paying for the items, you get your stuff and head out of the store. The frosty breeze greets you as you exit however a familiar brunette is nowhere to be seen. Huh? But I told him to stay right here.

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