Chapter 2

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My hearted pounded in my chest as I awoke to hard, wet objects being launched at my body, pelting and bruising me. My eyes were open in a flash and saw raw, whole fish laying in a puddle all around me. Two men stood above me smiling, their gold teeth and piercings shining in the dawn light. "Gut the fish. Captain's orders." One said, holding the bucket which had no doubt been filled with fish until they were launched upon me.
"With what? I have no tools." I asked, making sure not to disobey, but to simply enquire. After the discovery of the captain's identity, there was no way I would ever disobey him. The very thought of being within a mile of him made me feel ill enough to be sick.
"Your hands." The other said, chuckling to himself and his partner.
"Put the gutted fish in here." Added the bucket holder, throwing it on the deck with a thud. They walked away, one making a comment before they both fell into a fit of laughter. I set to work instantly.
I tore open the stomach of the fish and, using my fingers, pulled out the guts and spine. I then snapped off the head and put the fish in the bucket. At first the stench was overwhelming, infiltrating my senses until I could focus only on the smell. However, I was soon well acquainted with it and began to work better and more efficiently.
Just before lunch, men came to take the bucket away. My hands were stained red with fish blood and I feared I smelt as repulsive as the fish.
I was missing my old life and the memory of it brought tears to my eyes. Tears that I blinked back, refusing to let myself be broken by these abhorrent circumstances. Soon, I reminded myself, I would be back with my father in England, back to being cared for and loved and having some authority. But could I go back to my life, ignorant to the world as I was, after experiencing and seeing all that I have now? Could I pretend to be fine, knowing fully well I would never be again?
My mouth was paper dry with thirst and my stomach no longer felt the pain of hunger, after having felt it for hours now. Nobody paid me any attention other than to make a remark about how I would suit being in their bed or something of the sort, but even these comments had lessened; they had almost bored of me already. I was frightful of what may be my fate should they tire of me altogether. I still held hope in that they were expecting money from my father.
Hours passed, then night, then day. It was almost as though they had forgotten me. The captain had not left his quarters since two days ago and I hadn't anything to do other than sit in my own filth and exist. Water had been kept from me all this time and dehydration was taking over; dizziness, sickness, headaches. I knew that thirst would kill me before hunger. Soon I had no ability to mark how long passed due to my trance-like state. Everything blurred.
Amongst these fuzzy visions were the sights of a man yelling at other men and then I felt my body being lifted, the chains dropping to the floor as they were unlocked.
I was dragged into a darker area, possibly with a roof, onto a comfortable bed and a cup of rum was brought to my lips. It burnt my mouth and throat as I swallowed it and I almost sighed in relief. A little while later, some food was placed before me; bread and some grapes. I ate what I could manage before falling into unconsciousness.
When I again felt my eyes flutter open, I was feeling noticeably more restored than before, yet still drained of energy. I was in a dark room with curtains drawn across the window, obscuring any way of telling what time of day it was. No one walked in for a while and I just lay, comfortable in my bed.
Soon enough, however, a man walked in. He was late thirties with fading ginger hair and wrinkles around the eyes. He dressed well enough, for a pirate. "You're awake." He said, a little surprised. "You've been out cold for the past three days, in and out of sleep. We fed you when we could and gave you water when you'd take it." He gestured to the cup and jug next to my bed.
"Thank you." I said instinctively wanting to convey my gratitude for not just letting me die.
"Captain was livid." He added. He spoke well and I instantly felt he was not a bad person, other than being a pirate.
"Why?" I asked, then remembering the owner of the ship and who I was talking to, added "Might I ask."
"Well, he needs you alive in order to receive the money he expects from your father. He had instructed the men to see to you as you needed, though not to let you live in luxury. Apparently these half-wits can't find the difference between starving and obesity." He handed me a plate with an array of food on it in little quantities.
"You think them different to yourself?" I asked, feeling the need to satisfy my curiosity a little.
"We are all different on board." He said suspiciously, not wanting to give anything away to me which may anger the Captain. Knowing who he was, I entirely understood. "You'd be wise not to ask questions. There's not a man on this ship not willing to spill blood for the sake of it." He nodded in encouragement before taking his leave.
I picked at the food on my plate and drank a little, knowing that though my stomach may wish to reject it, I had to have something in my system. A split second later, he stuck his head back around the door and informed me of how I was now to dine with the Captain every night, so he could personally see to my being looked after. He then disappeared and I was left to attempt to fathom all I had learned in such a short space of time.

I walked in, unaware of what to expect. A meal was placed on the table, extravagant to say the least. Duck soaked in orange with a side of salad potatoes with a lush berry wine. He was dressed as smart and majestically as usual with his normal colours of black and red. Not wanting to anger him, I lowered my head in submission. He laughed to himself and I sat down. "You're looking a great deal healthier than before." He stated then taking a great sip of his goblet.
"Thank you. I said, seething.
"Wrong." I looked up in confusion. Reading my expression, he elaborated. "That's the wrong answer, or at least it was not what you were thinking. Tell me what you are really thinking."
Irate and with no need for more inclination to say how I felt and not wanting to disobey the man before me, I answered. "I am surprised you even deigned to check on me," with a bitterly sarcastic grin, I added "Captain." With a nod. I prayed he would not punish me for my ill-manner. I had not even thought about it before I had been so rude.
He took another swig from his cup and merely said "Who do you think changed your clothes?" He then tucked into his meal. He was a repulsive pig and I had been violated by this creature. Seeing my expression of horror, he let out a low malicious chuckle. "Eat." He said, pointing to my food with his knife. This was a command from the most feared man on the earth; dare I refuse? "Or," he added. "I'll leave you to my crew. Believe me, they'll do more than just change your clothes." Disgusted by the thought, I placed some duck in my mouth. It was glorious. The orange flavour flooded my taste buds and mixed with the duck flavour, the duck's divine texture.
"So," He interrupted. "What do you know of the world?"
"I know what I must." I responded coldly, but making sure to answer the question, so as not to anger him.
"Do elaborate." He drawled. I sighed, but then checked myself, remembering with whom I was seated.
"I know it is round and that there are still many things unknown."
He scoffed. "You know nothing. Sat in your grand house, on your grand estate. Everything has been handed to you, everything provided without the necessity for you to earn it through manual labour or intellect. You don't know what it is to need something, or to work. You don't know what it is to feel loss."
"I'll thank you to watch your tongue. My mother is dead. I know very well what loss is." I objected. "I needed her." He could be the man who created the earth, or the one destined to destroy it, but no one would disregard my mother's memory.
"Poor you." He mocked, brows furrowed, leaning across the table in anger. "I watched as both my father and brother were murdered." He leaned back in his chair with a fascinating smile tainting his features, contrary to what someone may expect after such a confession. "You are entirely ignorant." He concluded, almost interested in what he himself had said.
"What you see as ignorance, others see as innocence. I did not ask for your approval, nor do I seek it. Good night, Captain." I shot up and had reached the door when he stated
"If you do not finish your meal, you will be left to rot."
Slowly, I returned to my seat and started to finish my meal. "How old are you?" He asked, not mockingly, simply inquisitively.
"I am eighteen years old." I replied.
"Eighteen and not married? My, my. You shan't live for ever." He drained his goblet and had soon refilled it.
"Eighteen years old and engaged, Captain." I corrected. "He is a captain on a ship in the royal Navy. My father wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled with pride at the thought of my marriage to a Royal Navy Captain. How women would envy me.
"I myself am a Captain, if your father is that shallow in the choice for his daughter's earthly companion, just think; it could have been me." He raised his eyebrows and winked in an attempt to arouse my ire.
I smiled sweetly and responded "No, Captain. My father has something you may not have heard of. They're called standards." Having finished my meal, I dabbed my mouth on my napkin and was dismissed. He was still smirking when I left, not an ounce of pain within his countenance to be detected.
I walked back onto the deck, both pleased at my courage and fearing for my life. Why did I attempt to anger him? This man was deadly, evil.
Making my way to the room I had woken up in, I contemplated all possible consequences for my foolish actions. I then laid down to sleep.

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