Chapter 7:Rekindle

Start from the beginning

But just because Clarke couldn't touch her didn't mean that they couldn't work something else out. Once Lexa got her webcam working, Clarke knew that it was only a matter of time before she proceeded to the next logical step.

It was a Friday. Clarke was going out with some other students later for a couple of drinks to ease the sting of their last exam, and Lexa, not surprisingly, had another early morning the next day. Sitting on her bed with her laptop settled in front of her, Clarke decided to proceed with her plan when Lexa had been talking about the ranch for quite some time.

"It's supposed to snow next week," Lexa said with some frustration, "so I'm trying to have the buyer take the calves before then. But he's dragging his feet, and--" She stopped abruptly.

Clarke took no small amount of pleasure at the fact that unbuttoning just one button of her shirt made Lexa's words come to a screeching halt. She watched Lexa's jaw drop, as she slowly dragged her fingers down to the next button and undid it as well.

Lexa's stare was suddenly glued to Clarke's chest, even as she stuttered onward. "He, um... he said..."

Clarke had now undone enough buttons for her bra to be peeking through her shirt. She cocked her head to the side, amused. "Is something wrong, Lexa?"

Lexa closed her gaping mouth and cleared her throat. "Why are you..."

"Why am I what?" Clarke asked nonchalantly, as she pulled her shirt open even more, exposing the top of her breasts (which she knew, in that bra, were pretty legendary).

Lexa let out a breath and wasn't even trying to mask the fact that she was ogling Clarke's chest. "This is why you wanted me to get a webcam, isn't it," she said hoarsely.

"Pretty much." Clarke ran her hands over her bra and pushed her boobs upward, watching Lexa's eyes shoot wide. "But this is a two-player game. I don't want to be the only one showing off."

Lexa stared hard for another moment before pulling her shirt over her head without another word, and Clarke now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that getting webcams was a good decision.

Clarke let her eyes roam over the skin not obscured by Lexa's sports bra. It had been so long since she had seen Lexa like this (well, only a month, but it felt like much longer), that Clarke couldn't settle on any one feature. The expanse of her chest, the muscles latent under her skin (Clarke told the anatomy student side of her brain not to name them), the dip of her throat, they all demanded her attention (and her touch, but that would have to wait). When Lexa undid her braid and draped the crimped hair over her shoulder, Clarke wished she could run her fingers through it. She knew its softness, knew the scent of Lexa's shampoo, knew how Lexa's eyes would flutter shut when Clarke ran her fingers against Lexa's scalp.

Clarke forced her eyes up to Lexa's only for a moment and found Lexa staring hard at her. Clarke undid another button and watched in satisfaction as Lexa's gaze flickered down to her chest. "Have you done this before?" Clarke asked.

Lexa just shook her head, which Clarke found cute. Lexa often lost the ability to speak when Clarke started taking her clothes off.

"Me either," Clarke confessed as she leaned forward. She smiled as Lexa returned to ogling her chest and stomach. "But I thought we could figure this out together?"

"Yeah. Yes." Lexa let out a deep breath. "We can do that."

"Why don't you angle your camera down a bit?" Clarke asked with a suggestive raising of her eyebrow. "Let me see more of you."

"Just a second..." Lexa leaned forward, so that Clarke suddenly got a very decent view of her boobs up close. There was static, and the picture jostled and blurred. The video went out for a second with a crash.

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