Help me

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"Kitten." I looked up and saw Ricky who hugged me tightly. I looked around and I couldn't find the monster who did this to me.

"Chris found you tied up with all of these bites. What kind of a sick vampire would do this to its own kind?" Chris, that's who. I couldn't get my voice to work to tell him though.

"Get some rest. Our old band mate, TJ, is coming over tonight." I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. The feeling I got when Ricky hugged me kickstarted my heart. He smelt like cigarettes and cologne and he was so warm. After they left my room, I did as I was told and got some rest.

"Kitten." I was startled when Ricky shook me awake. "How do you feel love?"

"I feel better. Sleeping helped a lot."

"Good. TJ just got here if you wanna get up." I smiled at him and got some clothes up. "Where you going?"

"Shower." I took a quick shower, got dressed, and did my hair and makeup. I walked down the stairs and TJ looked up at me and smiled sweetly.

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