Chapter 27: Can't Be Alone

Start from the beginning

Unfortunately, a ton of other students seem to have had the same idea, and the pool was heavily crowded. They didn't want to just give up on their idea of swimming since they were already dressed and ready to swim, so Woojin suggested swimming at the pond instead. Apparently, all of the original students used to just swim there instead back in the day because the pool had only been built five years prior.

When they got to the lake, they had fun and were goofing off in the water, but Jisung seemed to be on edge the whole time.

"What's wrong," Minho asked after noticing it.

"I really don't like swimming in water where you can't see the bottom. I had a bad experience with a crocodile when I was a kid."

Seungmin seemed to have overheard this statement because the next thing he did was swim over to Woojin and whisper something in his ear.

The next thing to happen occurred so fast, Minho couldn't help but laugh alongside everyone else when Woojin shifted into a crocodile and swam up behind Jisung, hitting his tail against the water just as he came up right next to the poor boy.

Jisung screamed the loudest he had ever screamed before and grabbed onto Minho who was closest to him. When Woojin shifted back, Jisung looked around at all of his members laughing and then back at Minho. It nearly broke his heart to see him laughing along with them.

"You're such a scaredy cat, Jisung," Hyunjin teased.

"Fuck all of you," Jisung shouted angrily as he let go of Minho, swam to the shore, and ran off up the hill to the side of the academy. I might seem as if he was overreacting, but the fact they had targeted a specific fear of his had made Jisung a lot more sensitive.

Minho looked after the boy, suddenly feeling sorry for laughing even though it was just supposed to be a joke.

"I'm going to go check on him," Minho said as he also got out of the lake and headed towards the spot Minho could guess the younger had fled to. He climbs the hill until he sees two recognizable trees with a hammock hanging between them come into view. Sure enough, Jisung is laying face down in said hammock.

"Hey, Jisung," Minho said to get his attention as he came up beside one of the trees.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you," Jisung said, his voice muffled by the hammock since he still had his face buried in it.

"I just wanted to say sorry for laughing. It wasn't cool to pick on a fear of yours."

Jisung didn't respond.

"Come on, Jisung. Come back down to the water, and just have fun. No need to get all mopey."


"Why are you getting so sensitive?" Minho questioned as he took a step closer to the hammock. "We tease each other all the time. Why are you choosing now to get upset about?"

When Jisung didn't move for the third time Minho sighed and gave up. "Whatever. Waste the day away if that's what you want to do. I'm going back if you're going to just sit there and say nothing."

As Minho started to walk away, Jisung wasn't sure where he found the courage to finally act on the feelings he only recently realized. Maybe it was his anger at the moment or maybe it was him just wanting answers about what these feelings actually meant, but the next thing he knew, he sped out of the hammock, grabbed Minho's arm to turn him back around, and smashed his lips into the elder's before Minho even realized what was happening.

It didn't last for too long, and as he detached his lips, the first thing out of his mouth was, "You're such a dumbass."

Their faces were so close and all Jisung wanted to do was yell at Minho and say, 'how could he not realize why his words and opinions meant more to him than those of the other members,' but apparently he used up all the courage he had before in that kiss.

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