Theo: Here, Philip, lemme give you pigtails!

Philip: Uh, I don't know if I want pigtails...

Theo: But then we can be matching!

Laurens: How do I look, Peggy? *tosses ponytail, now with a lime green scrunchie* 

Peggy: *putting like three or four scrunchies in Thomas's hair* I applaud. Ten out of ten, Johnny.

Laff: *wearing a red, white, and blue scrunchies in his ponytail* Trés sympa! 

Katie: *turns around to give someone a scrunchie and comes face to face with Burr* Oh. This is awkward. *tries to walk away and bumps into Washington* Oh. This is more awkward. *runs away and runs into Samuel* Oh. This is even more awkward. You don't have enough hair. Uh... here. *fixes the scrunchie onto the top of Samuel's head so he has a unicorn horn-looking ponytail*

Samuel: *looks up at his new hairdo* Is it strange that I could learn to like this?

Quinn: Aww, you look great, Sammy! This was a great idea, thanks Katie. We are a big-haired group, and many of them could really use the scrunchies.

Herc: Hey, can I have one?

Katie: *throws it at Herc's bubble. It bounces off the surface and lands on the floor*

Herc: :(

Katie: Yeah, scrunchies are awesome. I use them all the time in gymnastics. 

Theo: You do gymnastics? What can you do?

Quinn: You guys are gonna wanna back up for this one.

Everyone: *backs up*

Katie: *does a back flip* 

Everyone: *applauds* 

Theo: That was so cool! 

Katie: Aw, thanks.

Theo: I can do cartwheels and stuff. Watch. *does a cartwheel*

Katie: *laughs* Great job! Later, I can teach you how to do a back flip, if you want.

Theo: Cool!

Burr: *eyes widen* Wait, what-

Hamilton: So, was this the reaction?

Quinn: Nope. Katie, care to tell everyone what they're reacting to?

Katie: *pulls out her phone* Instagram! It's an app where you can take pictures and post them for everyone to see.

Madison: That sounds kind of stalkerish...

Laurens: Aw, man, I thought "Instagram" was some kinda instant grandma delivery service. Now I'm disappointed.

Peggy: What the actual.

Laurens: I never met my grandma, okay? I've always wanted one!

Katie: If we can get back to Instagram- or Instant Grandma, I'm totally calling it that from now on- let me show you some of the things you can find here.

Quinn: *plays an instrumental of "A Whole New World" from Aladdin*

Katie: *scrolling through pictures, showing them different accounts. Everything Katie does on her phone shows up on the projector* There's your Basic Insta, which is just someone taking pictures of their daily life. Then there's Basic Insta +, which is like the Basic Insta, but with super aesthetic looking pictures. 

Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin