Dark Side

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POV Jughead

We decided to stop about a half of a mile from the cabin and walk the rest of the way in. We didn't want Archie or Curtis to hear us coming. We all parked and circled up.

"You all know the plan. Get the girls out first quietly. Then revenge." FP said and we all nodded

I looked at Slim and he nodded at me and said, "We will get them back, boss. I swear it"

I looked at Sweets, Toni and Fangs. They nodded at me and we began walking into the woods. Then we heard the gunshot.

POV Betty

After Archie left, I got up and went to listen at the door with C and V. We heard low voices of Archie and Curtis and the sounds of them moving around the cabin. I sighed and went back to sit on the bed. C and V sat with me.

"We are going to have to fight back. There's no way that anyone will be able to find us" V said

I nodded and said, "I know but he will hurt or kill one or both of you if we fail. We can't fail"

"We outnumber them and we're stronger and smarter than them" C pointed out

"Yeah but they have a gun and knives. I was hoping that Curtis would take care of Archie. We would have a better chance." I stated and sighed and thought.

"Right now, lets bide some time. We aren't being hurt and it seems like Archie is fine with just having us here for right now. If something changes we will need to fight though. If that happens, I need you both to hide. They won't hurt me but they will hurt you. Hide under the bed until you can run. If you have to, leave me, promise?" I said

They both refused and we argued. I finally got them to agree to hide in the beginning part.

"But if things go sideways and you are hurt, we are going to come out and help you." C said

"And we aren't leaving without you. We are all walking out together or none of us are" V stated

"Fine" I gave up. I knew that there was no changing their minds. If the roles were reversed, I would have done the same.

All of a sudden, we heard raised voices in the cabin.

"She doesn't want you!" I heard Curtis yell

"Yes she does. You're trying to steal her, aren't you?" Archie yelled back

There were sounds of a fight. Crashing around. It sounded like they were destroying the place. There was a very loud gunshot and we all jumped. I looked at V and C frantically.

"Get under the bed now!" I commanded and they slid under just in time.

Archie crashed through our door, bloody and swinging his gun around. I jumped and backed away until I hit the bed.

"What's going on, Arch?" I asked

He looked at me and smirked. "I killed Curtis for you. Just like Malachi and Chuck. They all wanted to take you or hurt you. Don't worry, I'll take care of Jughead and Slim and Sweets next. They won't take you from me"

I shivered at the vacant look in his eyes. "Okay. I'm with you, Arch, just put the gun down. It's scaring me." I said as I approached him with my hands up.

He looked down at the gun with a confused look for a moment, then it cleared and he said, "Where are V and C? We have to leave, and we can't take them. It needs to be just you and me now."

"Just let them go and we can be together" I said as I got close to him

He shook his head, "No. They have to go. They would never stop hunting for you. Where are they?" He looked around the room. His eyes stopped at the bed and he smiled. Slowly he rose the gun.

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