Beam was kissing him on the cheek while looking at the camera. He remembered how it led to a quick make out session earlier but instead of feeling fuzzy, his heart felt heavy.

Cats can sometimes feel dark auras and lonely humans. Butthole tried to squeeze himself in between Forth's neck and his pillows, now and then letting out soft and comforting meows.

The next day, neither Forth nor his parents said anything over breakfast. Butthole was nowhere to be seen every morning. They all left the house in silence.

He received a message on their first break time.

"Meet me at the rooftop."

So he went there instantly. It was quite a secret place of him and Beam. Not many people go here because it was just an open hot space with a garden in their building, and can only be accessed from the 8th floor's fire exit.

 Not many people go here because it was just an open hot space with a garden in their building, and can only be accessed from the 8th floor's fire exit

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Beam threw himself on Forth's arms as soon as he saw him.

"I missed you." He said.

"We were just away for less than 12 hours, Beam." Forth said, but he too, hugged his boyfriend tightly. They stood there in that position, just enjoying each other's warmth.

He could feel that Forth was still worried so he decided not to open up the topic of meeting the parents.

"I will not be seeing you for three days." Beam declared.

"What?" Forth asked.

"There will be an annual check-up for Quarter's business partners and I will be one of the doctors. I will go and visit them on their work places with Nurse Jing."

Forth groaned.

"Those companies are indebted to us and Mew thinks the Quarter owners want to buy shares from them, or possibly but the whole company."

"When will it start?" Forth asked.

"Tomorrow until weekend."

"Then the next time I'll see you will be on Pattaya?" Forth asked again.

"Looks like it."

"I don't want you to go." Forth sighed.

"Where do you want me to go then?"

"In my pants."

Beam chuckled and kissed Forth. "It will be just for three days. I'll go to Pattaya on my own."

Forth groaned again. They had planned that they would go there together and not take the company service bus. But if there will be something like this, then there's no helping it. Sometimes, Forth wonders if Mew is trying to keep Beam away from him.

Baramee WongphiCATWhere stories live. Discover now