Chapter 2: Taming the Beast

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"Y/n-chan? Wake up, sleepyhead!" My head jerked up from my comfortable position on the counter, the rag that I had been cleaning with limply hanging in my hand. I rubbed my face while my coworker, Picho, looked at me with a mixture of concern and pity. "What's wrong, baby? Sleepless night?" He gently stroked my cheek, stealing the towel from me with a grin.

I gave him a weak smile back, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Yeah, something like that." My night had been filled with restless tossing and turning, thoughts of the alleyway events keeping me up. This morning I had heard that Iron Chain was found in that alleyway with severe injuries, and that there was another hero that was attacked last night to about the same degree.

There wasn't any evidence on who committed the attack, but something told me that it was most likely him. And that made me uneasy for some reason; I really didn't want to think of him as a criminal, even if that's what he was. "I'm Garou, Garou the monster." That's what he had told me last night and from the glint in his fierce eyes, I didn't doubt him one bit.

Still, when I was with him, I never felt any malice directed toward me. Instead, I felt almost safe, which must mean that I'm insane considering how dangerous he is. "C'mon Y/n-chan, let me see some bright eyes and a big smile! It's time to open!" Picho nudged me out of my daydream for the second time, bouncing to the front where he unlocked the door.

The morning rush of the cafe helped to take my mind off of the whole situation, but by the afternoon I was already brooding again by the window. My hand swiped my rag against the shiny tabletop, repeatedly scrubbing the same area in slow circular motions. Picho watched me in dismay, opening his mouth to speak when the door jingled, the bells coming to life. "Sonic-chan!!!"

Picho threw himself at the lean young man, Sonic looking less than pleased. "Get off of me you crazy perv! I just came for some tea!" Sonic pushed Picho off of him while I giggled. "Good to see you again, Sonic. Did..." I stared at the ninja, my head slightly cocked. "Did you get a haircut?"

His hands flew to the back of his head, stroking his now short hair. "I don't wanna talk about it." He answered flatly, plopping into a seat with a huff. "Gotcha..."

"Oh, Sonic-chan!!!" Picho came running back from the kitchen, a tray balanced in his hands. "I brought you your tea just how you like it! It's hot and free, just like me tomorrow night!" He placed the tray before Sonic with a flirtatious wink. Sonic ignored him completely, turning to me instead. "So I don't have to pay for this?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I'll make sure that Picho covers it."

"Why me?!" Picho's mouth hung agape in dismay, his blue eyes wide. I smacked him lightly on the top of his head. "Because you offered!" He began to complain until Sonic took a sip, the barest hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Pretty good."

Picho's eyes lit up, sparkles practically flying out of them. "Ah, Sonic-chan, I'm so happy that you like it! I made it just for you and I'll gladly pay for it too! Only for my Sonic-chan though!" Picho skipped up to the register, placing some of his bills into it to pay for Sonic's tea. "So what brings you here?" I leaned against one of the chairs, my tray still clasped in my arms. He finished another sip, letting out a contented sigh before opening his eyes. "I needed to gather my thoughts. This tea helps me concentrate."

"Wait, you didn't come to see me, Sonic-chan?!" Picho bent down, peering over the table with sad eyes. Sonic glanced at him, his gaze stone cold. "No."

"Ouch, you're harsh, Sonic..." I winced a little, imagining poor Picho's pain. Sonic swirled the bits of tea leaves that had settled, sending them into a frenzy. "I'm not so much harsh as I am truthful." Picho groaned, collapsing onto the floor with a pathetic pout.

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