
Next morning he stood up very early and drove to her house. It didn't took him long to see her leaving the house.

Trying hard not to be seen by her, he followed her with his car. She didn't take the rickshaw and walked slowly. He realized soon where she wanted to go. She stood in front of the same Mandir as yesterday and didn't move for a while. Was she here to pray or to see him? Only his presence will answer this question. As soon she started to climb the stairs up to the entrance, he parked his car and followed her.


Khushi was as yesterday, deep in her thoughts. She was again here to escape the heavy air at home and sort her inner feelings. No matter how hard it was, she intended not to feel too hurt by their words and actions. They were still her family and she was thankful for everything they did for her.

Still, yesterday night was horrible and she was shattered about Payal's words. Payal didn't want to sleep in the same room with Khushi so Khushi took her pillow and one blanket and walked to the living room to sleep on the couch. Then Amma told her that she can't sleep there because she would destroy the new couch.

Before groom's family came to their house to propose for Payal, Amma and Babuji spend some money for the new furniture. They didn't want that the family think low about Payal. Amma and Babuji didn't have a slight idea that this all was for nothing. Grooms family asked for high dowry after Grooms and Payals official engagement and it was impossible to pay this big amount of money for Khushi's and Payal's parents.

So the wedding was called off and Khushi felt responsible for everything that happened. She remembered again Payal's words which she told her in the morning and it shattered her.

>>Why don't you go away and come back in the evening. Give us a break for gods shake.<<

Khushi didn't respond, just looked at Payal and wondered about this new person which she never saw before.

Is this what her family wanted? It this how they thought about her? She didn't know where to go to give them a much needed break. There is only one place where Khushi could go and this is to Mandir.

She opened her eyes because she got this strange feeling like yesterday of being watched and looked around. There was he, standing and gazing at her. Her stranger.

She turned around and walked outside the Mandir. She noticed that he followed her downstairs but before she felt the upcoming panic, she forced herself to calm down. Mandir was safe and there were a lot of people around her. And actually, the stranger was always nice. Khushi took place on one low wall and smoothed her clothes. He took place right next to her but still distanced so that she didn't felt uncomfortable. One more reason he gave her to feel comfortable around him. He never touched her or tried to come closer to her, except the one time he pulled her back from the street and saved her life of being run over by a truck.

>>So, you came.<<

He made a break and she thought he would not say anything anymore but he was far from staying silent.

>>I told you I will wait for you. Here I am and here are you.<<

She looked surprised into his eyes and notice his smile. His face showed only kindness and she was caught into his web of friendliness.


It was obvious he was confused about her question so she explained what she meant.

>>Why was you waiting for me?<<

His lips widened and formed a beautiful smile. It was clear for Khushi that he didn't fake his expression but what did she knew. She thought she knew her sister too and now she showed part of her personality, Khushi never saw before.

>>Do you believe in destiny?<<

His question was deep and Khushi could say a lot about destiny and the way every persons destiny was written. Her destiny was to be founf by her Babuji and saved from the streets. So, yes, Khushi believed in it.


>>So what if I am your destiny and you mine?<<

Khushi's forehead showed wrinkles when she thought about his question. Could it be? Maybe. Maybe not.

>>But you don't even know me,<< was her reply.

>>We can change that.<<

>>Do you always speak with girls at Mandir?<<

This was a justified question from Khushi because what if he was this kind of guys who like to flirt with every girl and she was just one more girl to add to his long list. Even such a holy place like Mandir wasn't safe from such guys. Khushi knew that because usually she went with her Amma to another Mandir, which her mother preffered to go to and there were a lot of these guys around.

>>Sure, I do it also on the streets. Especially when they are in danger, I save their life. And then I meet them at Mandir and can't help it, speak with them again.<<

He said it with humor in his voice and eyes. Khushi couln't suppress her reaction and returned his smile. He was right and she felt unthankful.

>>Thank you for your help yesterday. Thank you for saving my life.<<

>>Was this a smile?<<

Khushi widened her eyes and blushed. Him mentioning her smile did something to her. She felt warm inside when he looked at her like he did now.

>>And now she is blushing.<<

She look down embarrassed. Usually the guys on the streets who say something this close earn her angry look but with him, she couldn't be angry. He seemed a decent young guy, who knows how to behave toward girls. He treated her with nothing else then respect and she appreciated his behavior.

>>Ok, if you don't want to start then I will. Hi, my name is Arnav. And you?<<

Oh, yes. She definitively felt warm inside, especially in the area where her heart was. What was this guy doing to her?

>>My name is Khushi.<<

>>Ok Khushi, now, we are friends.<<


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