There’s chatter amongst the others as we eat, others as in everyone one further up the table, mostly the adults, as I guess us kids are too busy stuffing out faces to talk..

Smirking to myself again I eat a forkful of vegetables looking up and seeing a pair brown eyes looking at me, and not the pair it usually is....

A small frown comes to my face as I share glances with April, who’s watching me eat while aimlessly pushing her food around on her plate....

Well what the hell is she looking at?!

Sneaking a look to side I see Seth, well and actually hear him too having some kind of conversation with one of our brothers....Evan.

And it seems to be a funny one, because they keep cracking up into quiet laughter.....hmm...some inside joke I bet.

“So Lexi?” my eyes snap back to her as she speaks up clearing her throat and sitting up more in her chair giving me one of those fake smiles “I was wondering....that – if you want, would you maybe want to come with me and friend shopping or something like that with us sometime? Like next week?” I swear I nearly choke on my mouthful of potato as I swallow it, staring wide eyed at this girl

Did she seriously just ask me that?

I hear Seth and Evan who are nearby fall silent, Seth’s eyes on me curiously and I hear someone, I think Noah snort a laugh before quickly covering it up...

I blink at this girl wh-what the?!

“Only if you want to that is!” April quickly adds “I mean...I just thought it would be nice ya know?...we could go get coffee or something? I’m not sure what you like...but yea! I can find out” a grins starts to slowly appear on her face and I have to suppress a shudder of doing thing like that with her.

“” I mumble over my words not knowing what to say and my eyes dart towards Seth who has his eyebrow raised, but a gently smile crosses his lips as he looks over to his girl- not I can’t bring myself to say that, as he looks over to April and subtly nudges me under the table....

My eyes then quickly look to another pair of brown eyes, who has a mocking, smirking look on his face, obviously knowing..that this is so not my thing, but I can’t let him win.

So I sit up and clear my throat...looking over to a hopeful looking April, who I have a feeling is only doing this because of Seth....and I speak these words that I regret as soon as I do.

“Urm...y-yeah, yeah! Sure! Why not?!” I say and can’t help as it comes out in fake enthusiasm  and almost mockingly, with that fake smile on my face...

Her eyes light up and she grins clapping her hands in excitement, which reminds me of something Tom would do, “Great!” She cheers grinning with a sparkle in her eyes as they dart briefly over towards my twin “I’ll text you later with the deats! Oooh...I can’t wait!”

I almost choke again as I stare at her, text?!.....since when did she have my number?!

Hearing the sound of someone coughing, obviously trying to cover up a laugh, I turn my head to the person sat directly opposite me, taking a sip out of his glass of water, with that smug smirk plastered on his face....

“You....”I growl very quietly, no one hearing as they’ve all burst out into a new conversation, everyone except Noah himself, he hears as he looks up to me placing his glass back down....

“me?” he asks innocently and I feel my eyes narrowing into a glare “Ah, ah, ah!” Noah shakes his head smirking and tilts his head at me “No frowny faces at me tonight chipmunk..” He whispers across to me so no one hears and with that evil little smirk on his face, I’m really tempted to just raise my foot and kick him where the sun don’t shine...

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now