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After those men leave I realize that the people of this country would've told the whole world if they have an alien so why didn't they?? I'm still under the couch thinking about this when, "Athena get out of there please and tell me what you're thinking?"she says rather rudely.

I get up and glare at her. She rolls her eyes and looks at me expectantly. "Well it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't tell the world about the alien so maybe the alien is angry with them or hates them for some reason,"I say my thoughts out-loud. She just looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Athena, who in their right mind would tell people about an alien that is planning to help them?"she says confidently. I just shrug off her rudeness.

"Listen we just need to go find people who've seen this thing so they can tell us what it is. We need to know and we need to know if the alien is working with them or against them,"I say without taking sides on either of our opinions. "The problem is Athena that we're going to get killed since we're targets. So I suggest we go at night and before morning we find places to hide. We take flashlights only to make sure a place is secure otherwise we don't use the flashlights at all,"she says everything while shouting and in one breath. I just stare at her for a few minutes.

"Fine but how are we going to talk to people we can't see or trust,"I say trying to sound smart. "By eavesdropping Athena, we can't trust anyone,"she says seriously.

Later that night, in complete darkness we make our way through a wasteland of our town. "You know I find it strange how just yesterday all you cared about was your friends and living life carefree without caring about your family. Now you're all war-mode and it's weird,"I say in conclusion but I whisper. "Can you shut up? I'm trying not to get caught, when we're in a safe place you can then start asking useless questions. Do I have to tell you everything,"she asks and tells me in a whisper. "No, because you weren't there my whole life so don't try to play older sister. I have one older sibling and it's Jaxon,"I say confidently and without feeling but still in a whisper.

"I don't care Athena! Just shut up because there's a camp up ahead and I'm not getting caught and killed by army men. If they try to kill us I'll leave you and run. Depending on who's caught first, the other runs,"she said in a whisper but seriously. Our shadows are not even allowed to be seen. If we're caught were dead even if it's our own army. They killed Tyler!

We creep slowly by when we see our own army men but it's what they're talking about that caught our attention. We stay put behind a barrel and listen. "I can't believe this alien is attacking us, it has no right to do so,"one man says to the other. "Yeah So has anyone actually seen it?"another man asked. "I heard a group of soldiers called the stars saw him but they died and didn't get to tell the tale,"one man said rather confidently.

"Well their was a man who survived they say. He said that the monster looks so human but yet mixes other creatures. It looks very weird. Looks like fire gushing forth,"the man says with a solemn expression on his face that indicates that the man probably died.

I feel like talking to Heidi so we can discuss this but I know I'm only asking for my death wish. We make our way to a broken and rundown house so we can talk. We make sure it's far away so that they can't hear us or find us. "So it's the aliens fault,"Heidi says angry and continues, "it's that things fault that our parents are dead." "No, it's the humans fault that they're dead. Think about it Heidi, they're randomly killing innocents and they're chasing an alien. The killing of innocents is their fault. I saw them kill Tyler infront of my eyes. What about Jaxon? He is in the group stars so he's dead,"I say and then regret it because you can't believe these people blindly.

She just looked at me with tears in her eyes, she started looking at the devastated homeland we once knew as beautiful and safe. A paradise where we felt secure, but now it's all gone, disintegrated to ashes. "Look Heidi, we never thought this could happen to us but it's unpredictable and we can't be hidden from bad things our whole life. Heidi you have to stop believing everything you hear and believe what you see,"I say because I know for a fact that the alien hasn't killed anyone yet.

This alien must have been alive for decades so why come now? "Aliens never come for no reason Heidi, so why now?"I ask bringing my thought to words. "I honestly don't know Athena,"she says with tears still rolling down her face continuously.

I hug her tight and then we hear gunshots. I feel sorry for that soul. The gunshots seem random and come in our direction as well. They're making sure no ones alive. It's strange, I wonder if the government promised that their families would be taken to a safe place because they were lied to. Eventually it stops and all my adrenaline leaves my veins. I feel like screaming in anguish and I barely make out Heidi's face, her face contorts in pain. I grab my bag and a small torch that emits light so close by that you can't even see if there's a snake two steps away. I lift it and examine every-part of her body.

I find three bullet wounds but not fatal ones. I take them out and put disinfectant on them. She's in excruciating pain from what I see on her face. I finally wrap a gauze around her leg, arm and shoulder. I finally examine myself and there's one bullet that's lodged in a bone. I just roll my eyes. I dislodge it and feel like screaming but I can't. I disinfect it and take some metal thing, attach it to my leg so that I'm stable till it heals.

"We need to put up shields, this seems like a routine. We have to otherwise one of us is going to get a fatal wound and die,"I say seriously. She nods. I tell her to stay even though I'm more seriously injured. I grab some metal pieces and other materials to shield us or to make the bullets ricochet, I'm hoping they don't find that weird.

This is our only hope, our only chance at survival. We don't want to die so we have to fight to live day by day. The next problem is food.

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