Dangerous Disasters

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As the day starts once again, I walk through the halls with Baruch in my arms. My feet are bare and my long dress drags on the ground behind me. As time has gone by, I have adapted more to the culture of the Kerogens and grown to love it.

The sun has not risen as of yet as I head out to the gardens and sit on the grass as the sun starts to rise slowly. Baruch giggles as I let him sit on the grass that is slightly wet. I hear rustling in the background only to find Heidi sneaking out of the house with Azai and Aziza. I giggle as she lets them lay on her lap, so I take one of them and let him lay on my lap. Alisha rushes out with Ezra to see the rising sun. Alisha, also, comes to sit outside with the twins in her arms and Athena crawls towards us as well.

The sun fully rises and we all just stare at the little ones staring back at the brightening sky.

6 boys and 1 girl are sitting quietly as they watch the beautiful sky.

Soon, we all sneak back into the house and go our separate.

I head into my room with Baruch and close the door as quietly as possible. I sigh with relief then I turn around to find Anax staring right at me with his arms folded.

"Want to tell me what you are doing sneaking into your room in the early hours of the morning?" He asks me as he comes closer to me as I stand by the door with Baruch in my arms. "Am I in trouble?" I ask him and he sighs. "Depends on what you were doing," He says seriously. I sigh deeply, "I just wanted the kids to be normal for a day, so I organised with the rest of the mothers to take them outside to watch the sunrise." He sighs, "Fine, you're not in trouble, but next time just tell me."

I tense when he says that but bite my tongue and nod as I make my way out of the room to give Baruch his food. Anax follows me to breakfast and I completely ignore him as I grab some food for me as well.

"Are you angry about something?" he asks me and I keep shoving my mouth to ensure that I don't have to talk. He grabs the food from me which causes Baruch to scream for the first time and start crying as he has never done before.

"Baruch?" he asks with concern as he takes him from me. "What's wrong?" I ask, with food still inside my mouth, while Anax looks at Baruch continues to wail. "I'm calling a doctor," he says seriously as he walks away with Baruch and I follow him as he makes his way to his room.

I sit in the room with Anax and Baruch as the doctor examines him, but I notice Anax seems stressed as he looks at the doctor.

"It seems your son has been poisoned," the doctor says seriously, "there are some herbs that can induce vomiting and we can draw blood then check if it really has been poisoned as well as with what." "How long will it take and when around do you think he was poisoned?" Anax asks seriously. "Well," the doctor says nervously, "it would have been in the early hours of the morning and it should be done by the afternoon."

As soon as the doctor leaves, I rush over to Baruch, but Anax stops me. "Wait," he says seriously as he heads out of the room with Baruch in his arms and comes back without him, but two guards are with him, "you were the only with Baruch this morning." "You can't be serious," I say in disbelief which turns to anger, "you think I poisoned Baruch? He is a child that grabs things." Anax holds up his hand as tears start falling from my eyes, "My father will order an investigation and this is how it goes even if you didn't do anything. Since you're pregnant, they have to watch you and make sure you're not poisoning yourself to kill the baby." "You really think that's who I am?" I ask him and he goes silent. "You will be confined to this room and everything will be monitored," he says seriously as he walks out of the room without any emotion.

I stare outside the window as tears start to fall and I wonder why life is so unfair. If I was in the normal world, the world before the war, no one could just take away my child and deem me guilty without proof. Even if I am sad or upset, it doesn't matter, because I cannot say that. None of the emotions that I feel seem to matter. I love everyone here, from the youngest baby to the oldest Kerogen, but I am just a human to them and that's all I will ever be. I am a human, baby-making machine that means nothing to anyone.

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