Leto's Return

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I sit beside Amoli as she rocks her baby and Ellerie is sitting there too.

"So," I say with a smile, "any advice for childbirth?" She laughs at those words and shakes her head, "Nothing can prepare you for that. Oh, by the way, Brody is coming to visit soon." I smile at her happiness, "So exciting. If you need a babysitter for some of the time, let me know." She nods, "For sure." Her mother smiles at our interaction, "Has Brody decided when he wants you to try again?" Amoli looks nervous when her mother asks, "Uhm I asked him to wait because of uhm the fact that I will be the only one here and he declined. He hasn't explained why yet but I have been booked for the next slot as soon as Athena and Heidi have their little ones." Her mother nods and sighs, "Is Brody not treating you right?" Amoli sighs again, "He is a typical Kerogen that just wants children and doesn't care about the amount of work it takes." Ellerie nods, "Talk to your father about it." Amoli nods, "I want to talk to Brody first to get an explanation then I will talk to Father."

Everyone goes silent as those words leave her mouth.

At breakfast, James informs us that Leto will be coming for some time. No one knows how long or when she will go back.

Afterwards, we all split up and I find Norah.

"Hey," I say as I knock on her door, "talk to your father yet?" She nods, "He agreed." I smile excitedly and she hugs me tightly, "I am glad it worked out." She nods, "Me too. I don't want something like that will be without love." I nod, "Understandable."

Basilah walks in on that moment, "What is going on?" "I told you already mother," Norah says kindly. "No I meant the hugging," she says seriously, "we agreed on no more hugging of humans." Norah rolls her eyes, "She is a better human now. Stop being controlling and being like the humans were." Basilah gasps, "We will see what your father has to say about this right now. Norah and, you! Come right now!"

Norah folds her arms and sighs as she follows her mother. I do the same.

Everyone looks very afraid for me as they watch the scene.

"James," Basilah says as she knocks on the door to find Kamali sitting inside already, "sorry for interrupting. I need to talk about an urgent matter." James nods, "Kamali is about to finish and then I will deal with your matter."

Basilah nods as she leaves the room and sits outside as we wait for Kamali to leave. Once she leaves with a smug smile, we enter the room.

I start to realise this isn't only about motherhood but about the species competing as well as many other factors.

"Yes, Basilah," James says kindly, "what would you like?" "Norah is blatantly disobeying me," Basilah says seriously. James' face turns serious and that makes me as well as Norah afraid. "Father, let me explain," Norah pleads and he father nods, "mother is not allowing me to hug a human and you promote the love and care of humans so I don't believe it is fair." James laughs at her words, "Being kind to humans and hugging them is entirely different. Athena, I do not want you encouraging behaviours Basilah doesn't appreciate."

I nod and am about to speak but just bite my tongue.

"And Norah, obey your mother. She is not asking for the world. Understand your mother's point-of-view instead of being defiant. Athena, stay. Everyone else, leave," James says seriously and turns his attention to me once they leave the room, "explain."

"I thought that it was different now, but I must have misunderstood," I say honestly, "I won't do it again." He nods, "You are not yet anything Athena. Males may not be prioritized, but they are of worth and value since they carry the name as well as the family line. Each family is supposed to have a leader that is a son and that one takes on a role in society that leads them to have a distinnguished line. If that is taken away, they lose everything." I nod, "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to annoy anyone or cause Norah to get in trouble." He sighs, "Norah is defiant because she knows what she is and she feels she deserves something. I know she does but she is not ready yet even if she learns to be a leader. You may leave now."

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