Chapter three

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I wake up to the sun shining through he curtains, birds chirping and a intoxicating smell like forest after a heavy rain. Immediately I feel a pull to go towards the scent, I quickly dress into a black gown with golden embroidery.

As I set off to find the source of the smell I bump into a girl that looks to be of status from the way she dresses. Her pale grey eyes contrast with her raven black hair that falls to her waist and is quite pretty.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I quickly apologize hoping she was not a stuck up entitled bitch like most girls of wealth.

"I should have been paying attention too, my name is Blaire"

"Ariana" I said hoping she didn't know who I was, although I enjoy being a princess it would be nice to let loose and not worry abiut my duty as future queen.

" I'm so sorry princess I had no idea it was you please forgive me" she hastily apologized and curticied.

"Please call me Ariana, no need for formalities"

"Of course, I can show you around later if you would like".

"That would be amazing, where is the kings study I need to talk to him about the ball tonight"

"Down this corridor, take the last hall on the left and it is the second door on your right"

"Thanks see you tonight" I say over my shoulder as I head for the king. Once there I knock and hear a gruff voice call me in

"Where can I find you seamstress I need a gown for tonight your highness" I ask with a bbow

"Ah, she has a shop in the courtyard by the fountain you can miss it, and Ariana, stay away from the woods there are monsters that should only  exist in fairytales in those woods".

"Of course your majesty, thank you. May I ask what the theme for the ball is" just the thought of those woods sent a shiver down my spine and now I have become the very monster he told me to stay away from.

Winter themed since I've been told it is one of your favorites" he said with
small smile.

As I leave that my nose is filled with a different array of smells like the pastries in the kitchen,  a ladies perfum, the roses in the garden. Ever since I've been bitten my scenes have been going haywire, I can smell things that I shouldn't be able to I can see in the dark without a light.

Im rushing to the seamstress when I run into a brick wall only it isn't a wall its Sebastian.

"I'm so s-sorry" I manage to wisper, something about him makes me want to buckle at the knees at the very sight of him.

"Watch where your going princess" he grawls out causing me to flinch.

"What is your problem with me I've done nothing to you, if I have please feel free to enlighten me on it because I'm clueless as to why you hate me so badly" I yell at him still feeling pain in my chest.

Feeling tears rimming my eyes I turn and run to the seamstress to get fitted for tonight. After choosing a silver grey ballgown with snowflake embroidery,  I decide to go to the gardens to think over what haplened today. I find a little bench in the far corner of the gardens and sit there. All of the emotions from being bitten and becoming a werewolf,  and even my future husband hating me hit me like a ton of bricks.

I sat there for what felt like hours crying when I felt someone wrap a arm around me and lull me to thier chest. Immediately I recognize the scent as Damon.

"Shhh, what's wrong? Your going to be okay I've got you" he whispers while tucking my head under his chin. I can hear the pain in his voice but why would my sadness hurt him?

After sitting like that for a few minutes I try to sit up but he only pulls me in closer.

"Tell me what's wrong princess" he says, trying to hide the hurt is his voice.

"He hates me were s-supposed to marry when I become of age and he wants n-nothing to do with me. I know that it seems stupid but I still hold onto a childs dream of m-marrying for love, I thought that since we had time feeling would grow but they wont and I know that now" I tell him while still crying into his chest.

"You have years before you marry him maybe feelings will come later and if not then its his loss, your a beautiful and smart girl don't let him treat you like your anything but perfect" he says "now go get ready for the ball, the guest of honor can't be late"he said with a smirk.

"Thank you for everything, I better get going"

Walking back to my room I cant help but think about what Damon said, maybe feelings will come in time but for now I must get cleaned up for the ball.

Sorry for the short chapters I have alot of school work to do and am trying to get updates out as soon as i can for yall!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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