Your text messages:Liam

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Liam Payne

Liam was at the studio today working on some music. I was at home,lying on the bed and thinking about how my life will change after the baby comes out. Suddenly my phone beeps and it shows that its Liam's text.

Mr Payne: Hey Sweetheart! I'll be leaving soon. Do you want anything from the supermarket?

Me: Yeah! Bring some face wipes and toilet paper.

Mr Payne: Okay Poopy girl! Anything to eat?

Me: Nah! I am already getting fat. Don't wana make it worse

Mr Payne: Aye! You're not fat

Me: I am

Mr Payne: Oh come on! You're so pretty, beautiful and sexy that its so hard to be away from you😏

Me: You really think so Pay no huh??

Mr Payne: Yep. You're the prettiest, sexiest and the most intelligent girl I've ever seen.

Me: Aww babe! I am crying..Bring some tissue papers too

Mr Payne: What about some Dorritos?

Me: You know me so well babe!

Mr Payne: Aha! See ya soon babe!

Me: Yeah! Be ya

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