You get hate

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Louis Tomlinson

Goodness! Pregnancy itself is a very challenging task and plus these hates.Fans were thinking that you were using Louis.You wanted his fame,money and so on.But you really loved Louis and he loved you too.The day he tweeted about the pregnancy is the day when you started receiving hate.You usually didn't give a damn to all these stuff but today it was different.You we're scrolling through the Twitter and you just scrolled through comments like Y/N your a Slut." But you just ignored and ignored but something caught your eye.It read " Y/T/N I have the key for the door for you to leave Louis's life!" And that's when you slammed that person.

Y/T/N: Well...No thanks!But I have the key for you to shut that damn mouth of yours!Care to take it?

Zayn Malik

Hate.Hate.Hate.These were the perks of getting married and carrying Zayn Malik's child.Well you received hate from the time you started dating Zayn.You guys got married but still you received hate.And now when you are carrying his child,the situation is just the same.Zayn had tried to stop it but he couldn't.You assured him that you won't feel any different after reading them.As usual,you were scrolling through your feeds when you read another hate. "You slut!We know you just want Zayn's baby and his money!Such a bitch!" You hadn't had fun for a while.So now it was the opportunity to. You slammed back

Y/T/N : Well whatever you say!But don't you tell me that your a DIRECTIONER!Cause Directioners are not cruel and heartless like YOU!Yes you read it right!You are Heartless!

Liam Payne

Liam was always protective about you.He didn't like the fact that his fans hated you.Not all! But yeah some fans hated you.Getting hates was common for you like having cereal in the morning.You were just scrolling through random stuff on Twitter when you just landed on a hate tweet."Y/N don't you ever think that your using Liam too much?" So you tweeted that person immediately

Y/T/N : No! I don't

Niall Horan

You were just like Niall!Carefree and happy-go-lucky.You never gave a damn on hates just like him.You were checking your Twitter as usual and Niall was in the bathroom taking a shower.You just made faces at those stupid hate tweets when you found an interesting one. "Y/T/N just out of curiosity.How much money did you spend of Niall on you!Or how much are you planning to spend in future?"
You tweeted back saying

Y/T/N : Haven't thought about it!Wanna give any suggestions?

Harry Styles

Fans hated you to the core!God knows why? They never liked you when you dated him and they still don't like you when you carry his child.You constantly got hate.Sometimes it broke you but you had learned to stay strong eventually.But today, today you were scrolling through your Twitter and you read a horrible hate! You were already not in a great mood and this person tweeted for his death. It read "Y/T/N your faking that bump.You are just using Harry!" That's when you rubbed your sass off.

Y/T/N : Think what you want!Who cares!

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