He hears you talking to the baby

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Louis Tomlinson

I was a long tiring day after working in the studio for our upcoming album. I had returned home right now and the first thing I wanted was to see Y/N. I unlocked the door and walked inside. I heard Y/N talking to someone. I walked towards the living room but then stopped at her voice. "Hi baby boy! How are you in there?" A smile crept through my face. She was talking to the baby. "Its raining outside and Daddy isn't at home. He is working. Yeah! I know you're missing him cause I am missing him too. He is a lovely guy. He has lovely hair,lovely eyes,a cute nose and a beautiful smile. He's perfect." She said smiling at the bump. "You have 4 crazy uncle. When I say crazy, I mean it. But they're very nice. They all are waiting for you. When you will be here with us, we will play in the backyard, we'll watch your favorite cartoons, we will go to daddy's studio and we will also get free One Direction concert passes. Yeah that's Daddy's band. We will have so much fun baby! I know mate! I miss Daddy too so stop kicking me!" She said rubbing her belly. "I love him a lot baby and I love you too!" She said. "I love you too baby!" I said walking in the room. "Hey! You were all listening to our conversation? You're mean!" Y/N hitting my arm slightly and then hugged me. I love my family. My little family.

Zayn Malik

We were in the mall shopping a little bit for baby Yusuf and my wife Y/N. I was in the crib section while Y/N I guess was in the baby clothes section. After looking at some crawlers and cribs I decided to find my wife. As I was searching,I heard her voice. I peeked in the next aisle and found her all alone talking to herself. "Yes baby! This will be amazing for you." She said holding a blue jacket on her belly. I could not control myself from smiling at her adorableness. "Look! These pajamas are so cute! You know we have already made your closet and it's full of cool clothes that your dad and me bought for you. Oh and look there's a pair of shoes just like your dad and me! We're gonna wear it all together. Daddy's gonna love it!" She said holding the shoes. I couldn't control myself and walked out. "Sure! Daddy's gonna love it !" I said smiling at her and hugging her from behind. "Daddy's gonna love mommy and his baby!" I said kissing her shouldet from behind.

Liam Payne

Today I decided to make lunch for my queen aka my wife. I was in the kitchen and Y/N was laying on the couch. I was cooking and then I found out that we are running out of pepper. "Babe!" I called Y/N in hope that she must be knowing if we have some at home. " Sweetheart! " I called her. No reply.
I decided to go and check on her if she is awake. I walked down to the living room but then I heard her talking to someone. I stopped and tried to hear. Usually when she is talking to someone I walk to her but today she was talking in a different voice. "Mathy baby! Princess hoe are you!" She cooed. Oh so she was talking to our baby. Y/N calls her Mathy since her name is Mathilda. I tried to hear more of her talk. "Yep! That's momma and your handsome dad is preparing lunch for us. You know today he pranked called me. I was literally freaking out. When I found out that it was him, I pushed him in the pool and he was all wet. Did I ever tell you that he is scared of spoons? Oh yeah I didn't. So he is so scared of spoons that he actually eats his cereal with a fork. But anyways he has a heart of gold. He loves us both so much. You know he actually has got 3 tshirt for us with the words 'Payne.' I love you baby! You're gonna be loved by everyone. Everyone is waiting for you." She said. " Oh so I am afraid of spoons and I eat with a fork huh ! " i said to her. She smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry Babe!" She said. "I was kidding! Anyways now you must take some rest while I am cooking." I told her touching her face. "I love you baby! " she said smiling. "I love you too babe!" I told her smiling.

Niall Horan

Me and Y/N were relaxing at the house today. She was sitting on the bed deciding which movie to watch while I was taking a quick shower. As I was shaving, I heard her voice. "Brooke! How are you my little princess! Its mamma!" I heard her cute voice. "What are you doing baby! I know you're getting bored there. I got bored too when I was in my mom's tummy!" She said. I giggled at her cuteness. At times,she was cuter than a kid. That's what made me fall for her. Her adorableness. "I cant decide any movie and your dad is having a shower. No no! He took a shower in the morning but again he wanted to take one. He is a very clean guy. But at times, he eats his food without brushing his teeth. He is a big foodie. When you will be out with us, he will take you ouy and make you try all kinds of food. He loves you alot baby. He already calls you princess and he calls me his queen. You would surely love him. He is lively, energetic and humorous. He loves life and lives it to the fullest. Baby, I want to see you soon. Soon you will be out in this world. But we will always protect you. I love you baby! I think your dad has forgotten us and is having the time of his life in the bathroom." She said giggling. "I am coming out in 5!" I yelled and laughed silently. "You leprechaun! Why were you listening to us talking." She screamed. I laughed hard at her.

Harry Styles

"And so Cinderella had to hurry up and be at house before her cruel sisters arrived."I heard her reading a book. Y/N was really excited for Abigail. I mean who wouldn't be. I was in the kitchen making tea and Y/N was in the living room reading.
"And so they lived happily ever after!" She said smiling. As i was walking to the living room I heard her saying something so I stopped and hid in the corner trying not to eavesdrop but I just was listening to her. Yeah I know that's what eavesdropping actually means. Anyways. "Its not always a happily ever after life Abbie! I want you to know that you may not have to wait for a guy to make you feel happy. You can be happy yourself too. You may have to face heartbreaks but then you will find a perfect guy. I mean, even I had a bad heartbreak but see! I found your dad. He is the most amazing guy you will ever see. So what I mean to say is if you dont love yourself, then you cannot love anybody. Self love is important baby! And once you love yourself, you will see the world in a different way. I know its quite confusing but you will understand once you will be big. Your dad says that you will never date anyone. But that's not fair right? But I wont complain. He is really protective of us. He will never let anything happen to you. I told you, he is the most amazing guy ever." Y/N said. "Harry if you are done listening to us can you please bring me some water!" Y/N said. "Uh alright babe!" I said.

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