Part 5

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You wake up the next morning in a comfy bed. You feel arms wrapped around your waist and a body at your back. ''Good morning love.'' Itachi's voice erases all the sleepiness left in you as you realize he's embracing you. ''G-good morning Tachi.''

You try to turn around to look at him. ''Did you sleep well love?'' ''Y-yes did you?'' You are quite flustered at the short distance between you. ''I did thanks to you.'' Your face gets even redder at his statement. You try to hide your face in his chest. He chuckles at the sight of you.

''Before we go downstairs for breakfast. We should talk about our mating.'' You look back up at him when he says this. ''Y-yes I think we should. I was wondering if you would mind waiting before m-mating. I would like to get to know you a bit first. My heat will start in a week. Would you mind waiting till then?'' You really hope he agrees since you are quite shy about mating.

You really want to know him a bit first. It's not that you don't want to mate. you just like to know a bit more about your partner. Heck you don't even know his clanname. ''If that's what you want love I will agree. Just keep in mind that after a week of waiting it will be hard for me to hold back during mating.'' He smirks while he says this. Your face burst out in red at this.

''T-that is u-understandable I g-guess.'' You try to hide your face again at this thought. ''I want you to know love that I will always treat you right and love only you. I will never hurt you and promise to protect you. I will make sure you will never regret mating with me. I just want you to know that.'' This calms you. When he says this all your fears wash away. Itachi truly is your true mate.

You look back up at him and smile brightly at him. ''I promise to always love you and care for you. I will give you a family and will always remain loyal to you.'' Itachi hugs you close to his chest and nuzzles your hair. ''Thank you love.'' He pulls away and looks at you ''Our children will be adorable. I wonder how many we will have. I can't wait to fill you with my pups.'' You can hear the teasing in his voice. Your face erupts in red again. ''D-don't get a-ahead of y-yourself T-Tachi.'' You hear him chuckle.

The two of you finally get out of bed and get dressed, separately ofcourse. When the two of you are done, you walk downstairs holding hands. The two of you reach the kitchen and see Mikoto and Fugaku already there. ''Good morning dears.'' Mikoto walks to the two of you and engulfs you both in a hug.

''G-good morning Mikoto Fugaku.'' ''Now what did I tell you dear, call me mom.'' She smiles at you expectantly. She really wasn't kidding. ''G-good m-morning m-mom d-dad.'' You blush and try to hide your face in Itachi's arm. ''Now that's much better dear. Come on take a seat. Breakfast will be done soon.'' She takes your free hand and sits you down at the table.

Fugaku sits at the head of the table. Mikoto seats you on his left and Itachi sits to your left. While waiting for breakfast you and Itachi make some small talk while Fugaku is reading his newspaper. Suddenly you hear some voices and footsteps coming closer. ''I guess little brother and his mate decided to join us this morning. I will introduce them to you love.'' Itachi says when he notices you being distracted by the noise.

When the voices get closer you can distinguish the two voices. One of the voices sounds familiar to you, you just can't place it at the moment. The moment both of them step in the kitchen, your eyes widen in surprise. You recognize one of them. It's Naruto! Your one true friend. The one that left all those years ago.

The other person notices you as well and his eyes widen in surprise as well. ''(y/n)!'' ''N-Naruto.'' You stand up as he runs over to you. The two of you hug each other tightly. ''(y/n) how have you been? It's been so long. What are you doing here?'' Before you can answer a cough interrupts your conversation.

You look around you to see everyone looking at the two of you. It turns out Itachi was the one to interrupt you. ''I guess the two of you know each other then.'' He stands up to grab you away from Naruto and hugs you to his side. The man that came in with Naruto, does the same with Naruto while the man and Itachi stare at each other.

Naruto explains to the others how the two of you know each other. All of you sit down at the table to start your breakfast. You can't believe that you finally met your only friend again. Now you know where he has been the past years. His mate turns out to be Itachi's younger brother Sasuke. It makes you even more happy to know that your friend is going to become your brother after you mate with Itachi.

All throughout breakfast you and Naruto, who sits across from you, catch up.

Collared (Dom!UchihaItachi x Sub!Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now