33 (part 2)

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I stop shaking Patch, it's useless. They're gone. When Castiel died, his wings burned to the ground causing a giant mark of some dusty thing I can not recall. But some if landed on my hip and it burned on my skin so I gently pulled my black shirt up just slightly. Just a long mark almost with the image of  a feather, it burned on my skin.

 My eyes flick to ones again to stare at Castiels dead body.  But he was gone. The marks his wings left out but his body was gone. The only light in the room was a flickering lamb above us. I wide the last tears away and stand up, walking up to the door.

I knew something like this could happen.

"Trisha" I'm even hearing Deans voice. I'm going crazy...

Opening the door, was the hardest thing I've done since ever. This is not victory. This is not what I want. I care, I care this time. They didn't deserve to die.

I take a deep breath and step out of the room. The door slowly closes behind me.

"Trisha... wait" 

I froze. Could it be? Dean.

I turn my heels around and walk in the room again. Dean is lying on the floor with one of his hands reaching out for me before he drops it again.

"DEAN" I run to him and hold him in my arms tightly, the relief floated around my body. 

"Thank you" I whisper to myself, with a quiet sob

"Easy" Dean growls.

"Sorry, sorry. Can you stand up?" I mumble quickly.

"Trisha I'm in pain for Christ sake's." He laughs. "No I can't stand up right now"

"Okay, okay" I may have lost Patch and Castiel but I have Dean. Who I thought was dead too. I guess one is better than none.

"Where did the bullet hit you" I worriedly ask.

He points at the wall then to his lower stomach. 

"He threw it so hard it went.." He paused to breathe in. "it went straight through me and hit the wall"

I laugh.

"I just got shoot and you're laughing?" Dean stares at me, and looks away annoyed. He can't move his head much though without getting waves of pain down his back and his neck.. I adore how small he looks when he isn't his normal selfish yet selfless self.

I cups his face with my hands and lean for a kiss. He doesn't pull away, instead we sink in each others embrace. A few tears fell off my eyes and landed on Deans cheeks. He pulls away and wipes the tears away with his tumbs.

"What was that for?" Dean green eyes sparkle even in the dept light.

"For being a jerk" 

He laughs but it didn't last for long. His eyes go wide and I feel a figure behind me. I turn my head around to see Castiel standing there. How is he alive.. I killed him how could be possibly be alive? I look back at were his wings  had burned and they were also gone. 

"Cas?" Dean and I say in sync.

I help Dean so he could sit up by himself and we watch as Castiel makes his way to Patchs body. Patchs face was pale, I swallowed the lump in my throat. When Castiel knelled beside Patchs body I push  myself up, Dean hold my hand and nods to me.

"Wait" He whisper to me.

This time I listened. I help Dean up to his feet even though the endless moans of pain he did.  We watch like small children does when they watch their mother cook food, or their father telling a story,  impassioned to know the end of the tail.

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