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Well I made it out of the vampier nest alive.

But they also had a gun, I guess their fangs are a bit out of fashion,

One bullet landed on my shoulder. So here I sit with a knife, in the dark, trying to get the bullet out of my flesh. I did take a pain killer before doing this but it just slowed down the process.

I do remember telling Kevin that I would "handle it" But I do not know what I meant with "handle it"

Honestly I don't want to look at Dean in the eye again. He has a thing for making you feel guilty for any small thing. And with the control I have over my emotions right now, I do not want to let that break just because a man can't keep his hormones to himself.

Even though pain is determined and demanding to ache. It is still bearable. And that works fine with me. Not everyone can stay grand all the time. And for a person like me, or the one in use to be, pain was a release. Now pain is just pain, bearable pain. Nothing more nothing less.

He's overdramatic. You can't lie to me and say he isn't.

I don't want to see Sam either. I have nothing against him. But I feel a tiny bit betrayed. He use to always be on my side. But he was on Deans side this time. Now look where that got him.

I tried to hold my screamed in when the knife finally briefly toughed the bullet and slowly it made it's way out.

I put a salvia that I bought a few days ago on it and rubbed it over the hole in my shoulder. It burned on my skin and honestly I did let out a little sound but it wasn't as loud as I suspected it to be.

When the pain stopped I called Kevin.

"Tell me everything" I said immediately when he said "hello"


Kevin told me that Sam has been gone for a few weeks. And Dean never said why. He said was as clueless as he was. Which I kindly laughed about. He said Dean was so completely out of options that the only single thing left to do is to get that mark and the blade.

I sigh.

How many times do I have to tell them not to get the fucking blade.

I ripped one of my black shirts and use it as support and I wrap it around my shoulder and armpit. It burned but I had to do it.

I took my stuff and hopped on my motorcycle and drove to the location where Kevin said Dean and Crowley would be.

Every times there was a path with a lot of bumps and turns, my shoulder ached. I almost crashed into an old mans cars. He probably cursed me out.

In the drive I realized I didn't ask Kevin how he got my number in the first place. Thank you Kevin, now I need to change my number.

When I arrived to the old house in the country side, I saw Deans impala. There was buzzing noises everywhere. This place was full of bees. After a quick look around I parked my motorcycle a bit further away from Deans impala and walked to the door.

My dark red leather jacket, grey shirt and those black skinny jeans with a rip at the knees made me look dangerous in a way. And I liked it.

I didn't bother to knock on the door and tried to open it right away but there was something keeping me from the doing it.

Did they put something behind the door?

So I kicked it in. And it flew open. Almost as if the thing behind it was willingly letting me in.

A few steps and I was greeted by only stares and jaws on the floor.

Deans POV


"You need to earn it" Cain says.

"Isn't starting the apocalypse enough for you?" I snap. I could see in the corner of my eye that Crowley was

very nervous. His hands were shaking and he tried his best to drink his tea without spilling it all over his dirty suit.

"No" Cain turned his back to me and continued cooking his food. "You didn't prove anything. You just started it" He sits down in front of me. I stand up and bang my hands on the table.

"I also ended it" I prove him wrong.

"Technically your brother ended it"

"Well technically he started it too" I snap.

"Exactly" Cain laughed

"Look, Cain!? I don't know what you think you're doing here but you're going to stop with this bullshit and give me the blade" I say harshly.

Crowley kicked my foot under the table and I kicked him back exactly when he was about to drink his tea and it spilled over him. Well the remaining of it, since he has been drinking like a maniac.

"I don't have it" Cain crosses his arm.

"Where is it?"

"Down in the deepest sea"

I curse. "And the mark?"

"The mark... I have right here" Cain pulls his shirt up and reveals the mark. How am I going to get that on my body?

"Give it to me" I say then repeat it again but nicer. I don't want CAIN to in the long list of people that want me dead.

"As I said, you have to earn it"

Suddenly he starts to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You're friend is a feisty one" He says

I look over at Crowley that was sinking done in his chair.

"Him? Hah he's a coward"

"Not him... Her"

The door swung open and a female entered the house. I reached for my gun... then I realized who it was and my jaw fell flat on the floor.

"Hello" Cain said, smiling.



Okay so I wrote this at 4am because I felt bad for not updating so I will post 2 updates today (Sweden time) :) Thank you all for reading and commenting and voting literally makes me want to write more often. Ily guys!

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