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A few hours later


Gadreel told me that there was already spreading rumours in heaven and hell about my fight with that ghost and surviving. He said that the ghost is a Night shadow, they come and go as shadows and are usually  unnoticeable. They have died in such a horrific way that killing someone else seems pointless to them, even thought they are one of the most powerful supernatural creatures out  there.

But he said he has  never heard on any Night Shadow ever attacking anyone before. 


I've been hanging after Dean all day to try to figure out what this surprise is. Every time I come near him he giggles and smirks at me. I don't like this mysterious feeling. 

"Sam didn't tell me what happened to you" Cameron and I are all alone with Kevin in the lobby. Sam, Castiel and Dean were being mysteriously walking to each other and giving each other looks, it doesn't feel right and I know that Jared and Jensen are real prankers but I don't know if Sam and Dean are prankers too. They use to do it back in the day but now I'm not so sure.

For the first time I actually want them to be serious.

"Long story short, me and ghosts don't go along that well." I laughed but  Cameron still seemed worried. 

"I just worried, I mean, that ghost almost killed you. It must have done something to you to almost get you killed." Cameron said.

"I'm alive now  aren't I?" 

Why are they being so "worried" for. I'm okay, I barely remember  that night. Okay, that's a lie. I remember small parts of it. Like small pictures that turns into a movie. Just lik that.

"I knew you should have brought me with" He huffs

"Not even in hell"  I snap

"I could have protected you"  Cameron raised his voice.

Kevin almost instantly realized that it was his cue to leave and he backed up his books and left the room.

"What are you talking about. " I raise my voice.

"You know god damn well what  I am talking about."He stands up and waves his hands. "You can't just keep me in here forever Trisha. I can't stand it in here" 

"You can't stand it? I had a ghost literally trying to rip my heart out of my chest."  

"At least you can go outside" He huffs.

"You will turn insane out there" My voice was demanding and confident. Something it has never been.

"I  will turn insane either way around" He yells  at me. 

He sighs.

" I just... I want to go  back home Trish" He sits back down "Where everything is quiet and everyone is doing everything for me. I did like the danger and the adventurer for a while, I was excited. But Trisha I am not made for this. I am made to sit down, and play games about people doing exactly that. Not the other way around."

"Cameron" I sigh. Poor boy.

"No Trish, hear me out. You know what to do here and you have something to look forward to.  Don't  deny it I know you and Dean have a thing going on"

"How did you-"

How does he know this?

"I've known you for my whole life .I've picked things up along the way. Like the way you always tie your hair up when you're bored, and every time you take the blame for me whenever I do something stupid, you always sound so convincing that even my mom would reconsider." He smiles  weakly at me. "I'm nothing like that Trisha, I don't have any hunting skills like you, Dean and Sam have, I'm not a prophet like Kevin, god even Crowley is thousand times more  useful that I  am and will ever be. I'm pointless"

"Come here"  I open my arms and he walks up to me and I hug him.  "You're not pointless and you're nothing useless. You're the smartest kid I know." I pause "God knows what could have happpened to me if you weren't here."

He nods. I let go of the hug and hold his shoulders.

"Cameron, I promise to get us home okay asap, then you can go back to your old life. It will be like none of this ever happened.

 "What about you?" He wipes his tears away with the back of his hand.

"I... I still have some work to do but I will come with you. I will go home with you okay. I'm not going to leave my babe brother alone without an annoying big sister to take care of him"

He laughs.

"Okay?" I ask.

"Okay" He smiled.

"God it feels like we're in The Fault In Out Stars movie."I laugh

"I am Augustus and you're Hazel" He smirks.

"Bro, you're the one with the breathing problems and besides you're crying" I laugh.

He hits me in the arms.  And I punch him back.

"Okay,okay" He backs away. "At least I'll be the one that will still be alive" He grins.

I role my eyes and walk to the kitchen to get some water. On my way there I see Castiel hiding something under his ripped trench coat. It's like whenever he loses one he buy another that looks just like the previous.


Castiel shoves whatever he has in his hands in his inside pocket and smiles at me.


"What are you hiding?" I ask. This better not be a prank.

"Nothing to be concerned about" He tries to walk passed me but I put  my arms in a cross and stare at him.

"Show me, now" I demand.

He sighs and pulls a jar out. It was blood.


"It's for an summering"

"Who are you summering?" I feel a bit scared, what is Castiel doing with  a jar full of blood.

"A fellow brother. I will explain to you later please Trisha, Don't tell Dean or else he won't forgive me"

He runs passed me before I can respond. 

I grabbed a glass of water and sat down on the table, Sams laptop was there and I bet he wouldn't mind if I took a quick look.

I opened a browser and googled my name.

No pictures of me came up. Only of an old man and a few drunk teenagers. That's it. This doesn't make sense. I searched for my old high school and went through the student lists but my name wasn't in there. What could have happened to me here? Have I  died? I can't remember having any near death experience. I googled Camerons name just to be sure and his pictures did show up. How come Camerons pictures were there but not mine.

Who am I in this world?

"Trisha?" A voice said.

I quickly shut the laptop in panic and look up at Dean that was leaning on the door frame.


"Time for your surprise" He smirked.

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