"They probably fell back asleep" Toni said and we nodded. An hour or so later, we were in an intense training session with Bear. The training session lasted for five long hours. When it was finally over, we drug ourselves back to our corner.

"I'm worried, boss. I still haven't heard from V" Sweets said

"I haven't heard from Betts either" I said.

I looked at Fang and Toni, "Have you heard from Kevin or C?" They both shook their heads no. Shit. That didn't feel right.

"Call and text them. All of them" I said and tried calling Betty, C, V, Kevin and finally Archie. None of them answered. I called Slim.

Slim: Hey, Jug. What's up?

J: We can't get a hold of anyone at V's house. Could you head over there sooner?

Slim: I'm actually already on my way now. I got out of work early. I'll be there in five and I'll call you back, ok?

J: Thanks, man.

We hung up. I told everyone what Slim said. We were just waiting when Bear and Dad came over to us.

"What's wrong?" Dad asked

"Everyone at V's has gone dark. We can't get in contact with anyone. Slim is almost there to check it out" I said

Slim called just then. I picked up.


He hung up.

"WE NEED TO GO, NOW!" I shouted.

Bear jumped on his bike while the rest of us piled into Dad's truck. We sped over to V's.

"What did he say?" Fangs asked

"Just that we needed to get there" I replied. My heart was pounding out of chest. Please let them be okay, I kept saying over and over in my head. When we finally pulled up to the house, I noticed that Curtis's bike isn't stationed anywhere on the street. We rushed in to find Slim and a bleeding Kevin in the kitchen.


"I'm not sure. I got here and no one answered the door so I picked the lock. That's when I called you. I came in and no one except Kevin is here. I checked all the rooms, V's room is a disaster and the hall is a mess. He was tied up in one of the bedrooms. It looks like someone beat the crap out of him. I untied him and helped him down here. I was just trying to fix him up when you got here." Slim stated

I looked at Kevin who seemed to be barely conscious. I got down on my knees in front of him while Fangs hugged his side.

"Sweets go find a first aid kit, Toni go get some towels and water. We have to clean him up so we can see how bad it is" I commanded and they both ran off.

"It's okay, Kevin. We'll get you all fixed up" I said. Toni came running back and she and I started cleaning the blood off him. His face was covered in bruises and small cuts. He suddenly sat straight up.

"I'm fine, they just drugged me." he said. Then he looked at me sadly.

"They took them. I heard it but I couldn't get to them. I'm so sorry." he cried. We tried to calm him and eventually we did and the drugs seemed to be lifting from him.

"After you all left, I went to my room to lay down. They were in there, waiting for me. They hit me and then put a rag over my mouth and nose that had something on it that made me weak and tired. They hit me a few more times and then tied me up. Then they went to V's room. I heard them fight but then there was a gunshot and I passed out as I heard the girls screaming in the hall." Kevin said frantically

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