“Would you like to come with me to the kitchens then? I got rather hungry myself and I was hoping to sneak a hot chocolate,” said Dumbledore. I nodded my head.

The walk to the kitchens was quiet. Neither Dumbledore nor I spoke on the way there.  We got our hot chocolate from house elves in silence and drank it in silence. Well, that was until Dumbledore said something.

“I think that you and your friend, Victoria, are doing Slytherin House good whether you think that you are or not.”

I looked at Dumbledore cautiously. I had been thinking that for a few weeks now. I thought about how all of the other Slytherins treat us the same as people in the in the other houses. I befriended other houses and any blood status, and I pretty sure that has never crossed a Slytherin’s mind.

“Many witches and wizards believe that Slytherin House is evil because that was Lord Voldemort’s house. I think that you might just help people understand that everyone in that house is not bad, or that everyone in that house will turn bad,” said Dumbledore. “You mother was the same way.”

My eyes snapped to meet his. “She was?”

Dumbledore nodded and took another sip of his drink before continuing. “You’re father was the opposite, of course. He didn’t approve of anyone but Slytherins and anyone who had lesser blood, but somehow, you father always found a soft spot for your mother. They didn’t loathe each other like most people would have thought they would, but they tolerated each other’s presents.”

I took all this information in. I didn’t have a clue on anything about my parents, save the things that the Sorting Hat told me in the beginning of the year. Even then it wasn’t much.

“You even look just like her.”

“I do?” I asked with my eyes as wide as galleons.

Dumbledore chuckled softly, “Everything from your eyes to your height.” I frowned slightly at that. I didn’t really like being so short. “But you do have your father’s cheek, his temper, and his demeanor.” I grinned broadly at that.

We finished our hot chocolate and walked down the corridor that I had come from a few hours ago. It was silent once again.

“Fangs,” I spoke to the wall and it opened to the passageway. “Thank you, Professor.”

Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled. “Oh, and before you go Violet, I hope you and your friends won’t go looking for trouble.”

“No promises, sir,” I replied.

I stepped into the passageway and heard the familiar click of the wall sealing shut. I walked along it, still freezing cold as ever, and into the all too familiar Common Room. By the time I was in my dormitory, Tori was still sound asleep in her bed and by the time I hit my pillow, so was I.

It was soon the last day of break, and Hermione was back. She asked us if we had found anything, but we didn’t. Supposedly, Jenna and Sophia were coming back today as well, but there was still no sign of them.

Tori and I had gone up to the Gryffindor Common Room to entertain ourselves with Ron and Hermione. Harry had to go to Quidditch practice and Ron and Hermione were playing an intense game of chess. And by intense, I mean Ron is kicking Hermione’s butt.

“I don’t get it!” Hermione growled as Ron took another one of her pieces. “I’m usually good at Muggle chess!”

“But didn’t you know Hermione?” I said. “This is Wizard Chess!”

“Yeah,” Tori giggled. “This is so much different!”

“Oh shut up you two!” Hermione huffed as she moved her knight, which was soon taken by Ron.

Anything But Ordinary (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now