Chapter six - everyone now knows...

Start from the beginning

"Hey Al" I said and pulled myself from his grip on me and turned around to face him.

He looked up at Julian and Christian and back at me

"So, what's new?" He asked me

"Not much since yesterday" I laughed "how come you're here late?"

"I had to drop my little sister off at school first" he said "mom's at work early and dad's away on business. I gotta go pick her up at 4 after school too"

"Aww, I've not seen your little sister in ages... How is she?"

I heard footsteps behind me which meant that Julian and Christian had left us to chat

"She's good, she's been asking about you for ages wanting to know when you're coming to see her, she misses her Tori"

"Oh, I'll see her soon I guess... Bring her to the game tonight, she'll love it"

Everyone was talking about the game and about me being the Logan twins' stepsister also.

Lunch was manic, as so many people talked to me and asked me about the boys and how I got them to actually talk to me... Cause they hardly talk to anyone and I'm one of the people who they talk to now.

Charlotte Hanson came over to me and said hi to me as I sat with Alex and Kayla at our lunch table.

"So it's true huh?" She asked me and looked around at the rest of her cheerleading squad "the freak is Julian and Christian's stepsister" and then she laughed

"I guess" I said

As if on cue, Julian and Christian walked over to me as they heard what Charlotte said

She seemed to melt as they came over and spoke

"Hey! So what if she is" Julian said... Protective much? But why?

"Uh... But she... You guys... You hate her right?"

"Not hate... But she's alright I guess" Christian said

"But she's a freak"

Julian laughed and Christian joined him "we know that..." Thanks Julian... Thanks "... But she's not half bad when you get to know her" he smiled at me

The rest of the day went quickly and Charlotte started being nice to me after Julian and Christian had a go at her. Randy didn't even say a word to me... Until I was at my car in the parking lot after school.

He walked over to me "hey Vicky" he said with a smirk

"Shut up! Stop calling me that, Randall" I narrowed my eyes at him

"Don't you ever call me that again! No one has called me that since sixth grade" he glared at me

"Then don't call me Vicky!"

He put his hands up in mock surrender "okay okay, chill out."

"So what do you want? Are you just being nice to me because I'm Julian and Christian's stepsister?"

"No, no. I'm doing really shitty in geometry and I need a least a B in all of my classes in order to continue with football. I was wondering-"

"If I would help you?" I asked interrupting him and laughed

He looked at me hopefully

I stopped laughing as I realised he was serious "you're actually serious?"


"So you've been making my life hell since middle school and now that I'm the stepsister of the Logan twins, you need my help with geometry?" I laughed again "you're funny to think I would actually help you" with that, I got in my car and drove home, leaving him stood there, looking after me, shock plastered on his face and I laughed while I drove away... I couldn't believe he would ask me that, after all he's put me through.

My stepbrothers and I (#1) - Editing Where stories live. Discover now