Chapter 6 - Lily's Soul

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The next afternoon, at school, we were counting down the seconds till schools done. It's not even the holidays! We wanted to be ready to go to my house and plan. We needed to come up with a solution that will make her believe the death of Lily was not her fault. 5 seconds to go. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! The second the bell rang we were out of there like a flash!

Once we got to my house we started planning "The main question is how are we going to convince Miss Kelly that the death of Lily was not her fault?" I announced.

"She won't take it from us." Sam observed.

"The only person she would take it from is Lily herself." Timmy sadly realized.

"That's it!" I cheered.

"What's what?!" Daniel asked excitedly.

"We need Lily herself to tell her it wasn't her fault! We need to call on Lily's soul!" I announced excitedly.

"How? How do we call back a spirit?" Sam asked.

"Siri?" Daniel once again suggested.

"Daniel, Siri didn't work last time." Timmy reminded.

"Everyone deserves a second chance!" announced Daniel.

"Fine." I said as I pulled out my phone. "Hey Siri. How to we call back dead spirits?" I nervously asked.

"Say 'Leather face' in the mirror three times." Siri answered.

"Argg, No Siri!" I shouted.

"What was she talking about now?!" Sam asked

"Oh, just a silly myth. If you turn off the light in the bathroom so it's dark and say 'Leather face' in the mirror three times then your biggest fear will appear in the mirror behind you. It's just a load of superstitious malarky." I said calmly even though the others faces said terrified. "Ok, new plan." I sighed.

"No more Siri, Daniel." Sam told him. Daniel frowned.

We sat and thought for a long time. It wasn't until it was nearly time to go to see Miss Kelly until we got the idea. "I got it!" I shouted excitedly. They all looked at me waiting for an answer. "We should go see a voodoo lady!" The others faces turned from excited to horrified.

"Clo, you've gone bonkers! That's worst than Siri! Have you seen movies featuring voodoo ladies?! That is some scary stuff, girl." Timmy disagreed.

"I know. But think about it for a second. In those movies, voodoo ladies can help people talk to ghosts and spirits!"

"Clo, that is just superstitious nonsense!" Sam informed.

"Fine. Does anyone else have a better idea?" no one did. "Then let's go!" I announced.

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