Chapter 5 - Not Her Fault

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That night we all went back to the hospital gardens (With Poppy Pants following us. Parts of the hospital gardens was a stomach high maze. So it was easy to hide.) When they arrived we still had half an hour to wait. We decided to work out how we were going to play this. (After listening to our conversation at lunch, Poopy Pants half knew what was going on. He's behind a hedge waiting, watching and listening. What a creep!).

We planned it all out. We were going to ask her a few simple questions and just let the question we're really looking for flow into the conversation. 'How do we help you move?' By the time we were finished talking and deciding, the church bell started to toll three. "Expect the ghosts when the hour comes!" I yelled. We all laughed. ("Ha! Stupid Girl. Wait did she say ghost?!" Poopy Pants whispered to himself). There was a flash of light and there she was. (Poopy Pants had his mouth and eyes wide open. "..." and was totally speechless.) As for us...

"Hi Miss Kelly!" ...we were happy to see our new friend.

"Hello Kids. What have you all been doing today?" happily asked Miss Kelly.

"School" I said.

"Bully" Sam added.

"Homework" Timmy grumbled.

"Exams" Daniel muttered.

"Teenager's Life!" We all shouted and laughed.

"That's good to hear." Miss Kelly smiled.

"Miss Kelly? May we ask you a few simple questions? Just so we can know a bit more about you." I gently asked

"Ok. What's the first question?" Miss Kelly thankfully agreed.

"Where were you born?" Timmy asked first.

"I was born in Sweden and we moved here when I was seven years old." Replied Miss Kelly.

"Did you have kids?" Sam then asked.

"No. I never married." Answered Miss Kelly.

"What's your favourite colour?" Daniel strangely asked.

"Ummm. I Like Turquoise." Responded Miss Kelly

I finally asked "How do we help you move?"

Miss Kelly stopped smiling and sighed. Then she sadly said. "I know what you kids are trying to do. I know your trying to help me and I know your only doing it out of kindness. But there is one thing I really do know. There is nothing you can do to help me. The only way I can be free is that I truly believe that the death of Lily was not my fault. That's not going to happen. It was my fault!" I turned to the others and mouthed to them. 'No it's not!'

Suddenly, out of nowhere, out jumps Poopy Pants! With a video camera! "Ha! I got you! Ghosts are real and I'm gonna film it and I'm gonna be famous! Ha ha ha!" Yelled Poopy Pants. He starts to record. Soon after, the bell tolls four and Miss Kelly once again vanishes.

"What?! Where did it go?! Who cares I got all I need right here!" He starts to watch the tape back. "Huh?! Where is she?! Why didn't this stupid thing work?!" He throws down the camera and jumps on it. Then he starts storming towards us. "Why didn't it work?!"

I answered "Ha! Ghosts don't have a reflection, you numpty! You can't film them, Poopy Pants!" He actually runs away crying after that. We nearly fell over laughing! One thing was for sure, he would not be bothering us again.

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