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It wasn't even 10 minutes after the boys went into the station, that my phone started blowing up with notifications.

Jonah stopped in front of me and looked at me with something in his eyes that I've never seen before. Pride.

"You are coming in the interview with us and we are announcing that you are mine. After what you did for that little girl, I can't believe that you are still the sweet and kind girl that I fell in love with 7 years ago, even after the trauma that you have endured. You are my lifeblood, and I will make it my life's mission to keep you safe" he said, starting to cry.

All I could do was smile, knowing that he really meant it.


Halfway through the interview, the host looked at Jonah and smiled.

"So boys, I would like to turn our attention to the elephant in the room. I would like to talk to the pretty girl who has been sitting in the corner of the room, constantly staring at Jonah" He laughed, gesturing me over, telling me to sit next to Jonah.

"Are you okay with this?" Jonah whispered into my ear.

I nodded my head and grabbed the headphones so I was able to hear everyone's voices clearly.

"So, I am very intrigued by the stunt that you pulled just before this interview. Could you tell us your name and a little bit about yourself" He smiled, staring at me intently.

"Well, I'm Layla, I was raised in Minnesota with Jonah and I'll be going on the tour with them. I've been a fan since the beginning, as well as a friend to the boys for three years." I answered, giving a thumbs up to Jonah.

"I'll be taking the role of peacekeeper between the boys, also taking care of them in general. I am in contact with management 24/7 to make sure that the boys don't do anything stupid or threatening to their health" I said.

"How did this all come into play, how did everything happen up until this point?" He questioned.

I looked up at Jo, earning a smile nod from him. I took a deep breath in and explained my situation.

"I was having immense personal problems, causing me to go into a deep depression, which has taken over my life for the past two years... I couldn't take it anymore, so I attempted to take my own life. Previous to this event, the boys and I had a falling out, which practically started the whole thing. They knew I was hurting for a while, they just didn't know how to approach it. I was put in the hospital for a month, although, the last day I was there, Jonah had spent the night, telling me that he wanted to keep me safe by moving me in with them. After living with them, I have never felt better than I do right now. Zach has adopted me as mom since he doesn't have his mom at this moment. Corbyn and I have been talking about photography. And I have also became Jack's style consultant. Daniel has been treating me as a little sister, although I'm the oldest in the house. These men have saved my life, and made it worth living." I ranted, everyone shedding a tear in the studio.

"You sound like a great influence for young people that deal with those kind of struggles. Although, you didn't address what Jonah means to you, seeing that you have known him almost all of your life, I'm guessing you have a special connection" He smiled, knowing what was going to be said.

"This woman has been the light of my life and I don't know how I ever let her fall into the place she was in. I wish I could take it all back and take away the trauma she went through. I know I could've helped, although, when I realized how serious it was, I immediately got by her side and told her that I would be there for her. I don't think I've ever felt anything more than love for her. After what she did this morning, I've never felt more happy in my life, and It's all because of the girl that I have the pleasure of calling my girlfriend...." He admitted, causing both of us to cry into each others arms.


"Thank you to the Why Don't We boys and Layla Clark for being here today. I wish you good luck on your show tonight, And Layla, I hope you continue to be the inspiration for all the youth that has been through hard times."

A round of thank yous circled around the room and we were officially off the air.

We all looked at our phones, seeing that #Jayla was trending on twitter. Everything after that was a blur. I got an influx of hate, although, 98% was positive feedback and support.

I then realized that I had been verified within the span of an hour. I started to cry, catching the attention of all the boys. They were worried until I showed them my phone, then they engulfed me in a giant hug.

We were at the hotel at the moment, getting ready to go to soundcheck, then rehearsal.

"Hey babe? Where's my Jersey?" I asked, digging through my suitcase, trying to find my Marais shirt.

"I took it out of your suitcase before we left this morning" He said simply.

I looked at him with anger and fury in my eyes, I went off at him.


He just walked up to me and pulled something out of his own bag, holding it up to reveal a customized jersey with the same design as the original jerseys, although this one had my name and then Marais under it, with #1 Limelight instead of my birth year.

"One of a kind, made especially for my #1 Limelight" He smiled, pulling it over my head and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Now, I expect an apology for you yelling at me" He stated, grabbing my hand, interlacing our fingers.

I looked up at him and laughed.

"I'm sorry"

WDYLMA (WDW- Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now