Chapter 1 - The Glowing Lady

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My name is Chole. I'm an ordinary sixteen-year-old-girl however after a spooky paranormal experience, I didn't feel so ordinary. Let me tell you what happened.

I live next door to the town's hospital which has a beautiful garden. In my group of friends there's me, Sam (or Samantha), Timmy and Daniel. We enjoy exploring the hospital gardens. We weren't allowed to be there during the day so we would sneak out at three in the morning! We also liked to tell funny ghost stories such as 'The Watcher' and 'Gotcha, Gotcha' and my personal favourite – 'The Vindow Viper'. I love it!

Anyway, back to the story. One night, in the garden we decided to split up at exactly five minutes to three. Sam and I went one way and Timmy and Daniel went another. Five minutes later, the bell from the church down the road tolled three o'clock.

As we turned the corner, we saw this lady just standing there. She wasn't facing us but we did find it very strange to see her glowing! She was glowing white but that's only half of the creepiness. The other half was that we could see the rose bush on the other side of her. We could see right through her! The lady wasn't moving and we were too scared to make any sudden movements. So, Sam and I backed away slowly and quietly.

When we knew we were out of hearing range, we started running back to where we were, while trying not to scream. Running from the other way were Timmy and Daniel. We nearly ran into them! Timmy asked the question which either proved Sam and I weren't crazy, or it proved we were all crazy! "Did you guy's see a creepy Glowing lady?!"

"Oh my gosh! You guy's saw it too?!" said Sam mostly surprised but also quite relieved.

"Yes!" screamed Daniel.

I tried to be the calm one even though I was quaking inside. "Guys, calm down! The way I see it is we have two options. One, we go home and never come here at this hour again. Or two, we go back to see if... it... does anything. Who votes one?... Who votes two?"

"Yep!" Everyone shouted.

"Then let's go!" I announced.

We snuck back to where Sam and I had seen the lady. She was still there. "What time is it?" asked Daniel nervously.

"Quarter to four," replied Sam. We waited there for what seemed like forever. We were really tired but refused to fall asleep or go home. Suddenly the church bell tolled indicating it had now become four o'clock. The second it started tolling, the lady vanished!

Timmy yelled "What?! Where did she go?!" She had spent the whole hour standing in one spot, hadn't moved and then simply disappeared. She was like a ghostly statue.

"She just vanished!" said Sam surprised.

"Into thin air!" added Daniel.

I asked "What do we do now?"

We all yawned and said "Bed time!"

The Glowing Lady of the Devil's HourWhere stories live. Discover now