the one with her dad.

Start from the beginning

My heart stopped and I couldn't breathe. My chest was tightening. I dropped the phone and everything was happening in slow motion. As I started falling to the ground, Stryder's arms wrapped around me and he fell with me. There we sat, on our knees, me in his arms. I start sobbing, I hadn't even processed what was happening but I know I should be crying. So I am. As soon as the words left Lee's mouth I started suffocating. I don't even know what happened to him, but he was on the floor, unconscious. That's enough for me to know, everything's not going to be okay. I continue to cry, my face probably red and puffy. A few minutes later everyone comes into the room with smiles on their faces. I look up and as soon as they see Stryder and me on the floor, they stop. Their smiles fade, the talking stops, and everything is still once again.

I quickly let go of Stryder and I run to my dresser. I quickly start emptying it onto our bed.

Everyone's silent and I pull out shirt after shirt, shorts after shorts, sock after sock, all of it, and I pile it onto the bed. I run to the closet, grabbing my suitcase. I throw it on the bed and the tears keep coming. "I'll just pack. The quicker I pack, the quicker we can go home, and the quicker I can see him. Everything will be okay. He's going to be at the front steps waiting for me." Stryder stands up and walks over to me, pulling me into a hug. I push him off. "No, it's okay I miss home anyway," He grabs my arms and restricts my movements. I pull as hard as I can and once I'm free, I continue to pack. "T-This is a g-good thing," The tears were like a heavy stream on my face.

"KATE!" Everyone yelled I ignored them. "Kate," Stryder warns sternly. I continue to cry, pack, and ignore them all. He grabs my shoulders, turning me around. "Babe please!" He cried, his voice cracking. I've never seen him like this. What am I doing? "Please stop." He says so, so quietly, his eyes watering. I look up at him and my face grows soft. The tears come even faster and I fall into him, my arms squeezing him. He squeezes back, sniffling lightly. "Thank you." He carries me to the bed, setting me into it. My brain was pounding against my skull. I close my eyes. I hear faint noises of which I think is Stryder explaining what was happening.

I close my eyes and everything goes black.

I open my eyes to Stryder's clenching his jaw. I look around and notice we're in a car. I'm laying in Stryder's lap. "W-What's going on?" He looks down, his eyes were red and puffy. "We're on our way back home." His answer was short. "Where is everyone?" He looks out the window. "They're coming a little bit later. They're packing up our stuff, their stuff, and then cleaning up the house." His arm is laid across my stomach. My heart warms. "What's happening?" He looks down at me. Then I remember and my heart breaks.

I start crying again and he pulls me up into him. We hug, the entire way to to the airport. We get out, running to the next gate. Stryder had already bought tickets. So we pick them up, walk through the line and find our seats. Hours later we arrive. As soon as I'm able to get out of my seat and off the plane, I run to the entrance, Stryder right behind me. We get a cab and go to the hospital. I fiddle with my fingers the entire time, I was so anxious.

We arrive and Stryder pays the driver. Anna had given us directions to my dad's room and we followed them, all the way to the fourth floor, third bedroom on the left. As I approach the door, I see my dad, eyes open, a smile on his face. A wave of relief washes over my body. I walk inside and he sees me. He starts tearing up and I go to hug him, but his eyes roll to the back of his head and the machine starts rapidly beating. Stryder pulls me away from him and into a hug, burying my head into his chest. As hard as I tried to look at my dad, he wouldn't let me. I heard Anna sobbing and Lee tried quieting her down. I heard a bunch of doctors come in and there were so many noises and things going on I just couldn't process it. Stryder had watched the whole thing, but he continued to pet my hair and kept me in the hold. I heard the doctors yelling and saying words but I couldn't focus on them. All I could focus on was the machine beeping faster and faster.

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