Chapter Eighteen | First Date

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Violet's POV:

I was helping Arrow move into his new dorm room. We offered for him to live with us during the spring semester, but he chose not to. I guess he'd rather be closer to campus in case he needed to print something off last minute or something. Honestly I didn't blame him. "Do you have everything you need?" I asked him curiously as we finished filling his mini fridge and stuff with food, drinks, etc. "Yeah, I think I do." He replied with a deep sigh as we sat down on his bed. To be honest I couldn't believe that we were starting a new semester already. Our Christmas vacation seemed to fly by. But what do you expect when you're having fun? "I'm really gonna miss living with you and your uncle." He said with a slight laugh. "I'm gonna miss you too. Just know that you're always welcome to stay with us whenever you like." I said with a small smile, and he thanked me. The two of us talked for a while before we headed down to the book store to get the books we needed for our new classes. Two elderly ladies helped us get out stuff. The good thing is that we had scholarships plus financial aid, so we didn't have to pay for the books out of our own pockets. We thanked Jane and Edith before going to the cafeteria to grab something to eat and drink. Snow was falling past the glass wall that was on one side of the room. It was so strange eating here, especially when we're use to eating in the library or somewhere else. Not to mention the fact that it was quiet for once, because no one else was in the cafeteria. "Are you and Richard going on your date tonight?" He asked me with a smile on his face. "Yeah, we are." I replied with a smile of my own. I could feel myself blush as well. Even since I met Richard I fantasized about how our first date would go, but I doubted that it would ever happen. Then when he disappeared from my life I never even considered that he'd ever come back. Now that he's in my life again I think the two of us just wanted to make all of your dreams come true. At least... that's what I wanted. "Well, make sure he doesn't keep you up too late. You gotta get things ready for college; classes start on Monday." He replied with a slight smirk. "Hey! He's a respectable man. There's no way he'd keep me up past my bedtime." I joked, and he laughed. I knew what he was referring to, and I knew he was just kidding around. Richard is way too sweet and wonderful to try anything with me, especially since we just officially started dating. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I continued eating. After we finished, we ended up taking a walk around the grounds. Most of the snow had melted from the warmer air coming in, but it was still cold outside. If it was a few degrees warmer I think I'd actually feel comfortable. "Violet, are you sure you wanna go in this direction?" He asked me curiously with slightly furrowed brows. We were walking towards the garden I first met Richard and where I thought I lost Richard forever. It held good and bad memories, and I understood why Arrow was so concerned. "Yeah, I'm sure." I replied with a small smile. When we reached the garden I was taken aback from how beautiful it looked. It sort of reminded me of what drew me here in the first place. The high shrubs surrounding the benches were dusted in snow. It was peaceful and quiet as well. "It's so beautiful even during the winter." Arrow said in a hushed tone. We stood in the garden for a few minutes before we left. He lead me towards the jeep, and we said our goodbyes. After I got inside of the vehicle Arrow and I waved and I watched as he walked back towards the building. Once I switched on the engine I turned on the heater to get warm. As I sat there I realized that it would be strange not waking up in the mornings and seeing Arrow. I'm sure he feels the same way about Joe and I. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed into town. My uncle wanted me to pick up some groceries for the house while he was at work. I parked the car in the Wal-Mart parking lot, dreading to go outside in the cold air. I eventually went into the store and grabbed a cart to put everything in. After I got all the bathroom stuff we needed I went into the grocery isle. By the time I left the entire cart was filled with meat, vegetables, fruit, snacks, etc. "Good afternoon. Did you find everything you needed?" The cashier said as I started putting my items on the conveyor belt. The first thing I noticed was how tall he was as well as his light blue eyes. He had waved brown hair that was down to his shoulders. "Yes, I did. Thanks." I replied with a small smile. He kinda reminded me of Benedict Cumberbatch, especially due to his bone structure. "Good." He replied as he scanned my items before putting them in shopping bags. "Has it warmed up any more outside?" He asked as I handed him the money to pay for the stuff. "Well, it's way warmer than yesterday but it's still a little too cold. I'm ready for spring." I said. "I think everyone is ready for spring. Well... everyone except for skiers and snow boarders." He said with a slight laugh. He told me to have a good day after he handed me my change. The whole time I was putting the stuff in the jeep I was trying not to freeze to death. As soon as I was finished I took the cart back and practically ran back to the car. I turned the heater on full blast when I switched the engine on to thaw myself out. 'God I hope it gets warmer by the time I have to go back to college.' I thought inside of my head as I pulled out of the parking lot. When I got home I wasn't surprised to see that my uncle wasn't home yet. He was still at work. So I carried everything inside by myself and put all the stuff away. After I was finished I went upstairs and changed into something warm and cosy. As I changed I couldn't help but wonder where Richard was taking me for our first date. Then I started worrying about what I was gonna wear. 'I hope he doesn't expect me to wear a dress. I don't even own a dress.' I thought inside of my head. Anxiety filled my stomach as I opened my closet and looked through all of my clothes. I suddenly realized I was being stupid. 'He won't care what you wear. All that matters is that he and I are together.' I said to myself as a let out a deep sigh. I felt like a complete idiot for having a mini panic attack over nothing. Since it was cold out I decided I was gonna wear one of my sweaters and a pair of jeans. I replied wanted to be comfortable and warm in case he took me out somewhere. In all honesty I hoped he'd just have me over at his place for dinner. But I knew I'd be happy no matter what we do tonight. I heard the sound of a car pull in, and I figured that it was my uncle. I headed downstairs and decided to watch some tv in the living room. When he came in he flopped down on the couch and let out a deep sigh. "Bad day?" I asked him as I turned down the volume on the tv. "No, just a busy day. I'm glad it's Friday." He said as he took his jacket off. A moment of silence passed between us as he took his shoes off and got comfy on the couch. "Oh, I almost forgot. How did helping Arrow move into his new dorm go today?" He asked. "It went well. After we got everything moved in we had lunch in the cafeteria before going on a little walk around campus." I replied with a small smile. I made each of us a nice hot cup of tea and we talked about his day at work. Eventually I followed him into the kitchen and he started making himself dinner. "Well, I guess you better get ready for your date with Richard. He should be coming over to pick you up any minute." Joe said, and I my heart skipped a beat. I completely lost track of time. I thanked him for reminding me as I hurried upstairs to change. The sweater I picked out was a dark purple and I chose to wear a pair of black jeans. As I walked downstairs there was a knock on the door, and butterflies filled my stomach. When I opened the door my breath hitched in my throat. Richard was wearing a black pea coat and black pants. He looked so handsome. "Hey, are you ready to go?" He asked me with a cute smile. "Yeah. I'll see you later, Joe!" I said. "See ya! You keep her safe, Richard." Joe said. "I will, I promise." Richard replied. I followed him outside after putting on my jacket. I didn't see his car in the driveway, so I had a feeling we weren't going anywhere. Deep down I was so happy about that. For some reason I just wanted to be at a place where he and I could be alone; I guess he felt the same way. We walked up to his front door and he lead me inside of his home. It isn't the first time I've been inside his place, but every time I couldn't help but fall in love again. He decorated it so beautifully. Everything just breathed of him. The whole house was rustic and cosy. "I thought a nice night in would be best. Especially since it's cold out. I hope you don't mind." He said as he shut the front door behind us. "I don't mind at all." I said as I took my jacket off and he hung it up for me. "Good. I've got dinner ready if you're hungry." He said with a sweet smile. "I am hungry, actually." I said with a slight laugh. He took his pea coat off revealing what he was wearing underneath. The burgundy sweater he was wearing made him look so cuddly. I sat down at the kitchen table and he sweetly served the food. He made shepherd's pie with a side of green beans. We talked about his day at work and about me having to go back to college soon as we ate. Just being with him felt so perfect. It was like my dreams were finally coming true. After we ate I offered to help wash dishes and clean up, but he said he was gonna leave everything till tomorrow. He lead me into the living room where he had pillows and blankets strewn all around the floor in front of the tv. Once he put the movie in we got comfortable. We cuddled as we watched the film Richard had picked out for us, which was nice. He picked out Inkheart for us to enjoy. The movie ended around nine o'clock, but we didn't put in another one to watch. "This is nice." He said as he gently tightened his strong arms around me. "It is nice." I replied as I snuggled closer to him. He left a kiss on my forehead, but when I looked up at him he captured my lips with his. I gently kissed him back as I played with the buttons on his shirt. When we broke the kiss we were gasping for air. "Has anyone ever told you what a good kisser you are?" Asked once I got my breath back. He nuzzled his nose against mine with a little chuckle. "You're so sweet." He said softly before kissing my lips once more. As the night went on I started feeling a little sleepy, but I had no intention of getting up. So I ended up spending the night at Richard's place instead of going back to my uncle's place. I hope he didn't mind.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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