Chapter Ten | The Sweetest Birthday Present

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Sapphire's POV:

When I woke up Friday morning I found a note on the fridge from my uncle Joe. Apparently he attempted to wake me up and ask if I wanted to go into town with him, but I said "No" in a muffled voice. I tossed the note in the nearby trashcan before I started thinking about breakfast. 'I think I'll have some bacon and eggs.' I thought inside of my head. Before getting the food out of the fridge I started making a pot of coffee. I put bacon in one skillet and the eggs in another. As I was cooking I glanced outside and noticed a few snowflakes floating past the window. 'I can't believe that next week is Thanksgiving.' I thought inside of my head. 'Maybe Arrow and his parents would like to have dinner with us.' I wondered. While the food was cooking I went ahead and brewed a pot of coffee. As I walked back to the stove there was knock at the back door, which made me jump slightly. My heart was beating quicker than usual. 'I hope it's one of the neighbors and not someone trying to break in or sell something.' I thought inside of my head as I slowly walked towards the back door. I peeked through the curtain and my insides felt warm and fuzzy inside. Richard was standing on the back porch wearing a black suit and a brown colored tie. The button shirt he had on was white. I quickly opened the door and let him in where it was warm and toasty. "Hey!" I said happily as we pulled each other in a cozy hug I could have stayed in forever. "Where's your jacket? You must be freezing." I said as we slowly broke the hug. "I forgot it in my hurry to come see you. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday." He said with an adorable smile on his handsome face. Those big brown eyes of his had a soft look in them. They were beautifully sparkly too. My heart melted as I wrapped my arms around him again and snuggled into his chest. Once we broke the hug he helped me cook breakfast even though I said he didn't have to. We ate and talked, which was nice especially since we don't get to see each other much anymore. We don't meet in the garden anymore due to the cold. The two of us washed dishes together. He took his suit jacket off, which left him in his white button t-shirt. His sleeve were rolled up so he didn't get them wet in the water. "I have a birthday present for you." Richard said after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Aww, you didn't have to get me anything." I replied feeling a little excited and a little guilty. "I wanted to. You've been so wonderful and kind to me." He replied as we finished washing the dishes. We dried our hands and I lead him into the living room. "You've been wonderful and kind to me too; that's enough for me." I said hoping he understood why he didn't have to get me anything for my birthday. "But you got this for me and you didn't have to." He said as he pulled the necklace I got him. "You... you're actually wearing the necklace I got you?" I asked him curiously in surprise. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I?" He replied with a soft look in his big brown eyes. "I don't know." I replied with a shy laugh. Honestly he just didn't seem like the jewelry wearing type. "I can promise you that I'll never take it off. It's special to me because you have it to me." He said with a look in his eyes that made me fall even more in love with him. 'I wish we could be together.' I thought inside of my head. Everything about him is just so perfect! We ended up watching tv for a little while before he asked me when my uncle would be competing back home. I told him I didn't know, because I didn't. I wasn't even sure exactly where Joe even went to be honest. Then he said he wanted to give me my birthday present. I started feeling a bit nervous when he pulled a blindfold out of his suit jacket pocket. "Wait... what?" I asked him with a slight laugh. "Just trust me." He said with puppy dog eyes that made me melt. There was no way I could say no to him. So I took the blindfold and put it on so I couldn't see. I even had my eyes closed behind the blindfold. "So... what's the point of this?" I asked as I pointed to the black piece of fabric that was preventing me from seeing what he was doing. "Just trust me, sweetheart." He whispered softly. He placed his hands on either side of my face. His hands felt warm and soft against my skin as he caressed my cheek with his thumb. My heart beat quickened and I parted my lips slightly. It felt like I was sitting there forever in the silence, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. His warm breath tickled my face. 'He's so close to me.' I thought inside of my head as butterflies filled my stomach. I gasped softly when he nuzzled his nose against mine, which made him chuckle lightly. Our lips touched and I literally died inside. He tilted my head slightly as he deepened the kiss. My heart felt like it was going to explode!! An intense warm feeling spread through my body as I gently kissed him back. I desperately hoped I was doing it right, because I had zero experience. I've never been kissed until now. Deep down I hoped he wasn't experiencing the worst kiss he ever had. His lips felt so feathery soft, and tasted like sugar cookies. He slowly broke the kiss and I whined involuntarily. When he removed the blind fold I felt my face heat up with embarrassment. I'm pretty sure I probably looked like a tomato, especially when we made eye contact. The love and warmth in his big brown eyes made me melt into a puddle. "I-" I started in barley a whisper. "Shhhh." He whispered as he looked from my lips to my eyes and back again. We slowly closed the distance between us and captured each other's lips in another kiss. He pulled me into his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I tangled my fingers in his soft, curly hair. I literally felt like I was in heaven. "My heart." I managed to whisper after we broke the kiss. "I promise I'm not leading you on, sweetheart. You've stolen my heart and I... I just wanted to show you how you make me feel." He whispered as he nuzzled his nose against mine every once in a while. "Really?" I asked him. I could hardly believe that he likes me back the same way I like him. It made me feel like the luckiest girl in the whole world! If I could I think I'd be floating from how happy and light I felt right now. "Really." He replied, smiling at me. We cuddled on the couch for a while. He played with my hair and I played with the buttons on his shirt. Everything felt so right. "Why did you make me wear the blindfold?" I asked him curiously, breaking the comfortable silence. "I was afraid that you'd reject me if you knew I was going to kiss you." He said as he gently stroked my cheek with his thumb. "I wouldn't have rejected you. I mean... I probably would have been way more nervous without it to be honest." I said with a little laugh. He kissed my forehead and tighten his arms around me. Honestly, I could have stayed like this with him forever. Around three o'clock the sound of my uncle's truck interrupted our peaceful sanctuary. "Crap! That's my uncle!" I whisper yelled. Richard and I got up off of the couch and went into the kitchen. He put on his suit jacket after making sure he had everything. "Have a great birthday, Violet. I hope we can spend more time together soon." He said before he captured my lips in a soft and slow kiss that I felt in my bones. I kissed him back and wished he didn't have to leave. We quietly said our goodbyes before he escaped through the back door. I heard the front door close and figured that Joe had came inside, so I walked into the foyer. "Hey, did you have a good day home alone?" He asked me curiously. He was carrying a couple of bags, but I couldn't tell what was in them. "Yeah, I did." I replied with a smile. I wasn't alone all day, but I knew I couldn't tell him that. I had to keep Richard a secret especially since we're in a romantic relationship. The door opened and Arrow walked in with his parents behind him. "Hey!" I said happily as I walked over to them. We exchanged hugs and each of them wished me happy birthday. After thanking them Joe said he bought some food and stuff so we could have a little birthday party for me. "You didn't have to give me a birthday party." I said with a small smile on my face. My parents stopped throwing parties for me when I turned thirteen. "We wanted to. Besides, you deserve a party." Joe said and my friends agreed. Thorn and Luna went into the kitchen to prepare the food and everything. Arrow and I were sitting in the living room to hangout. We talked about school before we changed the subject to new music and movies. My phone buzzed, and I wondered who was messaging me. The only person that ever texts me is Arrow and I know it wasn't him.

Mom: Hey, your father and I wanted to wish you a happy birthday! We're sorry we couldn't come and see you today, but we're just so busy with work.

Me: Thanks! I understand that work comes first.

Mom: Is Joe having a party for you?

Me: Yeah, he is.

Mom: That's good. Are your friends there??

Me: My friends are here as well. I hope you guys get a little break from work soon.

Mom: I hope so too, sweetie.

My mom and I talked for a while before we said our goodbyes. Deep down I had a feeling they weren't even in the same state; I sorta figured they were on vacation or something. That meant they probably wouldn't be back in time for Thanksgiving. I really wanted Arrow and his parents to meet my parents, but I wasn't going to hold out too much hope. 'Maybe they'll get to meet each other during Christmas.' I thought inside of my head as Arrow and I decided to play some video games. When the food was ready we gathered in the living room and ate as we watched tv. The whole night consisted of good food and good movies surrounded by good people. After we ate ice cream and cake it was time for me to open my presents. Joe got me a few cd's, which I thanked him for. Most people are all about digital music but I'm still into material discs and stuff. Arrow got me a couple band t-shirts. Luna and Thorn gave me some of their homemade jewelry, tea, crystals, and a pack of tarot cards. "Thank you guys so much!!" I said with a smile as I gave them all a hug. I was so happy that I got to spend time with my friends. Honestly I hoped that Richard was still here, but I don't think Joe would like me being involved with a professor at my college. Even my best friend didn't know about Richard. After Joe came back home we all started getting ready for bed. So I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and walked up to my room. I changed into my pajamas before climbing into bed. As I stared up at the ceiling, my mind filled with thoughts of Richard and his soft lips. My heart and soul craved for him to be laying beside of me. All I wanted to do was kiss and cuddle with him. Eventually I fell into a deep sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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