Chapter Seven | Gypsy Parents

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Violet's POV:

"I'm gonna have to eat salads for a few weeks to make up for all the calories I'm ingesting today." Joe said as he, Arrow, and I were eating a couple corn dogs. We had already eaten pizza, cotton candy, and popcorn. "You'll be fine." I said with a slight laugh. "I don't know, I'm not as young as you two." He said, yet he continued eating the corn dog he had. The three of us went to the circus, because it just came into town. Carnivals and stuff always come during the fall time months because Halloween ensures more business. The cool temperatures are a bonus as well. Personally, I never go to the local fair in the summer because it always takes place in August; July and August are usually the hottest months here. Going somewhere in the blistering heat just never seemed appealing to me to be honest. After we finished our corn dogs we walked around the grounds. We were checking out what the various vendors were selling. A vendor with a bunch of jewelry caught my attention, so I had to take a detour to look around. Even though I wear a bunch of jewelry already there's no way I can pass by an opportunity to buy more. "Hey, Arrow! How have you been?" A man said as he came around the table to give my friend a hug. He was wearing patched and faded clothes along with a large amount of jewelry. He had bleach blond dreads that were a little longer than shoulder length. "I've been good. How has everyone else been? I miss all of you like crazy!" Arrow said. "They've been good. We miss you too, son. But... we know you're bettering your future by going to college." The guy with the blond dreads said. Arrow suddenly turned towards me and I raised my eyebrows at him. Then he introduced me to his father, who called to his wife. She had long red hair that flowed majestically down her shoulders. Her pale skin was speckled with freckles just like Arrow's. "Honey, this is Violet. She's friends with Arrow." Thorn, my friend's father, said to her. "Violet? That's a beautiful name, and you're a beautiful young lady." She said in a kind sounding voice. Compared to them I looked like a normal human. They looked like the woodland elves from The Hobbit. We talked and I told them that Joe is my uncle and I'm staying with him since he lived closer to the university. They seemed like really nice people. "I love your beaded bracelets." Luna, Arrow's mother said with a smile. "Thanks. I made them myself." I replied. Torn and Luna invited us into their near by tent where we sat down in a circle. They offered us some herbal tea, and we accepted their kind offer. Then the subject went to wicca lore, astrology, fate, future seeing, tarot card reading, etc, etc. My uncle seemed confused and out of his element as he listened to the four of us talk. I've always been interested in the wicca ways of living and whatnot but it takes a lot of energy and focus to practice white magic. Once we finished the tea Arrow's parents gave us we actually looked through the jewelry. I found a lovely necklace that had a metal pendant, which looked like a wax seal. It had the letter V in the center. 'Maybe I should get one for each of us.' I thought inside of my head as I looked for a J an A. I wondered if Richard would wear a necklace if I got him one and ended up getting one for him as well. "Oh, no. You can have them for free." Thorn said as I reached in my pocket for the little money I had leftover from Christmas. "Why? I mean... I'll feel bad if I don't pay for them. That's eight dollars you'll be losing." I said, the guilt already filling my stomach. "You're friends with our son, that's payment enough." Thorn said as he handed me a little brown paper bag with the necklaces inside. "But-" I said, but was cut off. "Don't worry about it, Violet. We'll make that back by the end of the night anyway. We get a lot of business here." Luna said. I reluctantly took the necklaces without paying, because they insisted on it. I still felt bad for not giving them the money they deserved. We said out goodbyes and carried on walking through the circus. As the sun started setting we decided to get on a couple of the rides they had. Joe made comments about getting sick on one particularly fast ride. We all laughed but a part of me had a feeling he wasn't joking; he did look a little pale. But we were able to settle down a bit once it was dark outside, because we sat down underneath the big top to watch fire jugglers and sword swallowers. Before we left the circus we stopped by a few of the games where each is us won a prize. Joe got a gift card to the local waffle house, Arrow ended up getting a nice looking pocket knife, and I won a cute bat plushie. When we finally made it to the car I passed out the necklaces Thorn and Luna let me have for free. "You didn't have to get me anything, Violet. I was just happy to hangout with you guys today." Arrow said as he put the necklaces over his head and I did the same with mine. "I just thought it would be cool if we had sorta matching jewelry." I replied. They thanked me before we left the parking lot and headed back home. The entire ride was filled with horrible singing to songs on the radio, which made us all crack up laughing. When we got to the house Joe parked the car in the garage before we headed inside. Due to the large amount of sugar intake none of us even though of sleep until two thirty am rolled around. "You can have the guest bedroom." Joe said to Arrow as we all started getting ready for bed. Arrow thanked us for having him over to hangout before we said goodnight to each other. As soon as I shut the bedroom door behind me I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed. I sat my bat plushie and the necklace for Richard on my besides table. 'I wonder if he'll like it.' I wondered as I thought if Richard. 'I hope he does.' I said inside if my head as I shut the lights off. It didn't take me long to fall into a deep sleep after I laid my head down on my pillow. The weekend went by quickly, and on Sunday I had to take Arrow back to his dorm. I woke up on Monday morning feeling a little more awake than usual. After I changed out of my pajamas I went downstairs for breakfast. Joe had bacon and eggs fixed for us, and I thanked him for a large breakfast. I have tests in practically every single class today; I'd need the energy, especially for my American History class. But Arrow and I had a study session scheduled for lunch today to prepare ourselves. We said our goodbyes and I headed towards college after getting into the car I was borrowing. It didn't take me long to get to my destination. Even though Joe doesn't live too far from the university I still think I got there quicker that usual. I shut the radio off before killing the engine. Then I un-buckled after grabbing my backpack. I checked the time and seen that I was a little early, so I decided to take a walk around campus. White fluffy clouds were drifting across the dazzling blue sky. Golden sunlight turned the morning dew in the green grass look like diamonds. A faint breeze rustled the multicolored leaves. A few fallen leaves tumbled and scraped across the sidewalk in front of me. No one was out and about yet, it gave the place a peaceful sort of feel to it. It felt like the beautiful scenery was just for me to witness. Eventually I stumbled upon a beautiful little pond where a snow white swan was floating serenely across the waters surface. I checked the time on my phone again just to make sure I had a little more time to relax before algebra. When I seen that so did, I sat down on the edge of the pond and watched the swan splash around as it washed its feathers. "It's a beautiful morning." Richard's voice said, taking me out of my thoughts. When I looked over I saw him wearing that gray suit again. "It is. I'm half tempted to skip my algebra class." I replied. "What? Like you did the last time when we talked in the library?" He asked with a slight smirk on his handsome face. "My class was cancelled that time." I said. "That time, huh? I see... you've skipped your math class more than once," He said, smiling. I laughed and so did he. "I'm just picking on you. I've missed you over the weekend." He said as he ran his fingers through his curly hair. "I've missed you too, Richard." I said with a smile. A moment of silence passed between us before I mentioned the necklace I had got him. I unzipped my backpack and grabbed a wrapped box that has the necklace inside. "You didn't have to get me anything, Violet." He said after he opened the present and placed the silver necklace around his neck. "It's just a little thank you gift." I said with a smile. "Thanks for what?" He asked me curiously. "For being a good friend. And for not freaking out when you found out I have a crush on you." I said with a slight laugh, and he laughed as well. After he thanked me for the gift we just sat and watched the swan on the lake. I let out a deep sigh once I checked the time. "You have to get to class don't you?" He asked. When I looked over at him there was a sad look on his face and in his eyes. "Yeah, I do. But maybe we could see each other later or something." I said. He and I got up off the ground and wrapped out arms around each other. "I hope we get to see each other too." He said softly as he gently tightened his arms around me. I snuggled into his arms and breathed in his wonderfully intoxicating scent. We slowly broke the hug but he gave my forehead a soft kiss after we said our goodbyes. I knew that I wouldn't be able to prevent the silly grin that was plastered on my face. When I reached my algebra class I took my usual seat. I was almost late, but I couldn't be bothered. All that was on my mind was Richard and how soft his lips felt on my skin. 'Come on, Violet. You gotta pay attention today. You have tests in almost every class.' I said inside of my head as professor Henley did a quick review before passing out the tests. I wrote my name down on the top right corner before getting started. A couple problems were a little difficult, but I think I did my best. Even though math is my worst subject I had a good feeling that I'd end up getting at least a B on the thing. I was the fifth person finished, but I double checked all of my answers before handing it it. The only good thing about exam days is that once your finished with the test, you can leave. None of the teachers like starting new chapters on the same day. So once professor Henley had my work I walked out of the classroom. Deep down I hoped that I got to see Richard again, but I couldn't go back outside to see if he was there. Studying for my American History test was more important. I walked towards the library and took a seat at one of the tables. 'Hopefully Arrow and I are able to pull of at least a high C on this test today.' I thought inside of my head. Honestly I hoped we either got an A or a B, but I didn't want Professor Till accuse of cheating. Especially since we aren't the cheating kinds of people. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I took my textbook and notes our to look over. There was a good bit of time before my stage craft class, so I wasn't too pressed for time. It felt like the day flew by, because before I knew it I was in line getting lunch with Arrow. He got a chicken salad wrap and I ended up getting a salad. Once we got out good we managed to get the last study room available. The main library was swarming with students. Some were grabbing books off of shelves left and right. Others were muttering to themselves at tables in front of open books and laptops. The rest were clanking away on their keyboards writing essays and whatnot. Arrow and I left the main library to get to our study room. As soon as we shut the door the quietness that surrounded us made me breath a sigh of relief. "Alright, how are we gonna do this?" He asked me as we sat our stuff down on the table. "We can eat first and then start studying. That way we aren't distracted by our hunger." I said. After we ate we pulled out our textbooks and notes. We read for a bit before we started quizzing each other. By the time we left the library we were feeling confident, but not too confident. It's always best to feel at least a little nervous when you're taking a test. The two of us were the first ones to arrive at the classroom. We took our seats and did some last minute studying before everyone else started flooding in. Professor Till was the last to join us. He took roll call before giving a speech about cheating and all that jazz. When he passed the tests out I quickly wrote my name on top before getting started. All of the right answers seemed to come to me easily, which was a huge improvement compared to last time. I left the brief constricted response questions for last. I wanted to get all of the multiple choice ones out if the way first, because they're the easiest. A few people finished and left, but I was still working on one of the mini essays we have to do. Once I had the three written portions finished I stood up and put my backpack straps on my shoulders. Arrow was still working, and I silently wished him luck. I handed professor Till my test before walking out into the hallway. I left and went to the hallway right outside of my creative writing class. I slid down the wall on one side if the hall and sat down cross legged as I waited on Arrow. "Hey, I've never seen you in the hallways before." I said as Richard came walking towards me. There was smile on his face as he came closer. "What are you doing down there?" He asked me curiously with an amused look in his beautifully brown eyes. "I'm waiting on Arrow. He's still in our last class finishing a test." I replied. Richard and I didn't get to talk long, but it was nice seeing him again today. After he disappeared around the corner, Arrow showed up. He sat down next to me and we just hung out in the hallway. It wasn't long until our next class started anyway. We talked about the questions that were on the test we just finished taking. "I think we'll end up getting good grades. If we don't then professor Till is just being a dick to us." Arrow said, and I agreed with him. Eventually American History was pressed out of out minds as we prepared for our Creative Writing exam.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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