well hello

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I'm so sorry for not being able to write this book for months it's just my hell of a school trying to entrap me with work but now I'm on summer vacation so I'm gonna be writing alot more ...now without further ado let's move on to the story.
Kevin added Veronica Betty Archie Jughead and Cheryl to the chat.

Kevin: well hello my fellow Riverdale peeps


Betty: hey kev

Jughead:ok explain why did u make this chat keller


Kevin:wow yall dont want me make a chat

Cheryl:no and plus I'm getting my nails done so bye you peasant


*Cheryl  left the chat *

Kevin:okay back to the reason why I made this chat

Archie: so what is it Kevin because I stop practicing my music just to answer this chat

Betty and jughead:thank God

Archie: what do u mean by that betty and jug how do u even know that I was playing music?

Betty: see Archibald me and juggie are just studying for the test we have tmrw in science and history

Veronica: shiz I forgot abt that


Veronica: sorry kev continue

Kevin:as I was saying before the reason I made this chat is to acknowledge the new couple which goes by thee ship name I created bughead
A/N.in this chapter they are just friends for now....;)

Betty: me and juggie are just friends

Kevin: if your friends then why did you call him "juggie"

Veronica:well Kevin when a woman and a man love ea-

Betty: I swear finish that sentence and I will hurt you

Kevin: 0of void betty has entered the chat


Archie:congratulations kev you've opened a void to your death

Jughead:just leave betty and I'm trying to study with her for the damn test tmrw


Jughead: well I'm sorry that I don't go to parties and drink till I'm drunk and makeout with every boy I see and at least I'm not a snobby rich girl with Daddy issues

Kevin:oh shit void jughead

*veronica has left the chat *

Archie:dude what the hell man

Jughead: just speaking the truth

Betty: yea but it was a little bit to harsh

Jughead:Betty please dont tell me I have to apologize


Jughead:fine I'll do it just for sake

Kevin: awww

Kevin:sorry bad timing continue

Archie: well not all bad timing

Betty:Archibald it was bad timing

Kevin:0of void betty is back


Kevin: rude

Betty:jug fix things with veronica


*jughead added veronica to the group *

Betty: veronica before you go  jug has something to tell you

Jughead: I'm sorry for calling you a snobby rich bicth

Veronica:I accept the apology just for betty because we ALL know you guys are In love


Kevin: awe they said at the same time

Betty:Kevin I would back do if I were you

Kevin:fine but if you do get together can you be my parents

Archie:what about me and veronica

Kevin:I'm good I dont want to wake up to moans for veronica

Betty:Kevin I think I just choked on my own spit

Jughead: 0of tuff

Betty: oh shush u just snorted


Jughead: why are we still texting when I'm right next to Betty in her room

Kevin: idek

Betty:hi kevin this jughead and I will be using her phone to text this weird group chat

Kevin:okay but veronica and archie has Been quiet

Veronica:Oof can you guess shut up me and archie I are busy

Kevin:busy getting fucked by archie

Betty:once again I have choke

Veronica:well goodbye


Jughead:well keep it down in there

Archie:shut up jug you and  Betty are making out right now fun how studying turn into a makeout session

Kevin:I'm sorry but the person who your contacting has died of bughead cuteness to call , call 1-800bughead cuteness

Betty:Archibald mind you own business bicth

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