Chapter 41 ♡ Grass Ain't Greener

Start from the beginning

"Why ya' doin' this to me?"

"Doing what? I didn't even do anything.."

"I've always admired you Stacy." He said, inching his way towards me. "From what ya' wear, ta' our playful arguments."

"Look, if I mislead you, I apologize for that, because I did not mean to give you the wrong idea."

He shook his head. "At one point, you were attracted ta' me."

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't think, I know ya' were." He stated. "When Chris first introduced us, ya' couldn't keep ya' eyes off of me."

I blew a sigh. He was really nice looking and even better looking now, but I mean what did he expect?? I looked at him the way I look at Chris and any cute guy, but it doesn't mean I'm into him.

"I admit I like looking at your looks, but that -"

"Every time ya' gave me a hug, I notice how nervous ya' get. You always hug me a certain way."

"....I didn't think I hugged you differently."

"Well ya' do." He said, now towering his 6'1 height over me. His hands gently caressed the side of my face making me flinch some.

"August.." I said moving his hand, but he pushed my hand back and trailed it down between my breast. "Stop!" I said pushing him back and he laughed at my reaction, which scared me.

"Its funny how you acting like you don't love me, but you wasn't saying that in them letters."

"Love you? Letters?" I was confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't act stupid, ya' know exactly what I'm talkin' about. Do I have to show ya' the the texts too ya' sent me?"

"I didn't send you anything."

"Yes ya' did." He said pulling out his phone.

I was so confused. I know for sure I never lead August on, not one time, so how could this be? I never wrote him a letter and I don't even have his number so what the fuck he talking about?

"Look." He sat his phone down in front of me on the kitchen counter and I scanned through the texts myself.

You make feel a way that I never really felt before.

I enjoy when me and you talk when Chris isn't around.

If you ever need anything or need someone to talk too I'm always here for you babe.

Any girl would be lucky to have you.

I want you and only you.

I think I'm in love with you.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed. This was coming from my number but the only thing is, I didn't text him this shit! I don't know what the hell is going on, but this is getting more and more crazy.

"Show me the letters." I said, and he did as told. I went through the photos he took of them and zoomed up on them to look at the details.

"Tell me that's not your handwritin'." He stated, but no words came out my mouth. That was my handwriting, but I didn't write it!

"Its my hand writing..." I mumbled, shaking my head in astonishment. This shit is crazy.

I suddenly felt the touch of his arms wrap around me, pulling me closer to his body, as he rested his head on my shoulder.

Can't Stop Loving You: Chris Brown (Book 2 )Where stories live. Discover now