The New Kid (Part One)

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Hi my amazing readers! I have just posted the prologue of my friends story, he writes kind of a detailed storyline or a normal chapter and I majorly edit it! I'd really like it if you guys would check it out? It's on my account and it's also a Percy Jackson FanFic since he really like PJ! Okay, that's enough and here is half of the chapter, I'll try to have the other half out soon! Sorry for taking forever with the uploads!!!! Forgive me!

New Kid and Cheerleaders

    Chapter Two

       Charlotte made it to the double doors of the cafeteria and sighed at the restless chatter of the students inside; lunch was not going to get any better, especially without Mya to talk to and get her mind off of things. Pulling her gloves on her hands tighter, she pushed open the grey-ish green colored doors and slipped through. Charlotte was late for lunch and only had about fifteen minutes, but no one was in line except for one student, so she walked quickly behind him. Grabbing a tray and, after looking at the disgusting lunch food, smiled sweetly at the lunch lady and said she really wasn't hungry and grabbed two green apples and some grapes (her favorite fruits).

       Her steps faltered as she felt it again, the weird tingling sensation she felt when she walked into school this morning and five minutes ago! But it felt even stronger! Charlotte could even smell something completely off, and it wasn't the food. Sniffing the air quite discreetly, she found it smelled a bit...dark? Kind of like the scent of a cemetery. And it was much stronger when she walked forward, towards the student - a boy - who was still standing and choosing something to eat.

       He had messy and completely black hair and very pale skin, not unlike Charlotte's. He looked about her age, Charlotte had decided, and was just a little taller. Even though he looked weak because of his skin, muscles could be seen through his t-shirt...he was also very handsome. Charlotte's eyes widened as he turned and met her gaze. His eyes, on the other hand, frightened her a bit. They looked darker than dark. Like orbs created out of pure obsidian with a…fire behind them, a story, a dark past? And they seemed to bore into hers. The mysterious boys’ eyes almost looked like an exact match to the ones Charlotte see’s in the mirror every morning!

       After what seemed like an hour, he gave Charlotte a small smile and a wave, saying hello. Taken completely aback, Charlotte stared at him for about ten seconds before giving him a partly forced smile and said hello back. As he paid for his small lunch, Charlotte frowned and sighed quietly; he definately was a new kid. When he becomes apart of a 'group', he'll be 'informed' that she is a total loser and the loner of the school, then he will join in on tormenting her for being nothing but herself. It's happened before... Well, it will be nice while it lasts. Charlotte handed the cashier a few dollars and hurried out to her table, trying pass the Jocks, Cheerleaders, and whatever other tables that seat people who don't like her on her way as quickly as possible.

       But, of course, she could not become invisible to the others eyes and became a target to many of the students aim practice. Spit balls and small pieces of fruit were shot at her, followed by rounds of guffaws, snickers, and laughter all around her. But Charlotte didn't throw things back, run (she was completely over running), or lash out; she just continued to walk while taking deep breaths to calm her down. Today's incident was enough.

       Ignoring all the taunts and calls, Charlotte placed her tray on a lunch table that was littered with random pieces of garbage from either A or B lunch period at the back of the lunchroom. She cleared the table a little bit before sitting and taking a large bite out of her apple, making a crunch. Silently grieving for her painting, no matter how ridiculous it was to whine over an object, she chewed her apple angrily (if that was even possible). Then Charlotte heard whispers everywhere and looked up confusedly. She raised an eyebrow and stared at the figure making their way towards her table.

       “Hello!” The boy Charlotte saw not even five minutes ago placed his tray on the table and gave her a smile before sitting. Charlotte stared at him and swallowed her food before speaking, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion and slightly anger.

       “Who put you up to this?” He stared at her, this time with confusion. Charlotte was slowly filling with anger; if someone put him up to this, she’ll end up the laughing stock-not that she hasn’t before. Maybe it was Crystal or one of the jocks, they must’ve snatched him and brainwashed him with the lies Charlotte was all too familiar with. Or he probably-

       “What is that supposed to mean? No one put me up to anything, I just came to eat my lunch and keep you company, you seem nice,” he said with a frown, confusing Charlotte. He must not know then…or he’s an amazing liar… Her anger disappeared when she looked into his eyes and saw honesty and…something familiar. Charlotte couldn’t put her finger on it, but his eyes…she’s seen them before

       “Well, then you might want to switch tables and sit with someone else, maybe one of the jocks will take you, you look fit enough,” Charlotte said, eyeing the muscles that outlined his shirt. She then turned her gaze to the students who were staring confusedly and (some of the girls) angrily and gave him a pointed look.

       The boy looked taken aback at her words and turned around to see what Charlotte was looking at. Charlotte couldn’t see his facial expressions, but she knew he was probably frowning with his eye brows scrunched together and, sure enough, that was his face when he turned around.

       “Why are they staring? We’re not doing anything wrong, are we?”

       Oh, how wonderful. Do I really have to explain his to him?

       Charlotte stared right into his eyes-mostly for effect. She’s been told that doing it would freak out people-especially since it’s her eyes-and make them a bit nervous. A lot that did; the boy held his ground and stared back into hers, even more fiercely. Charlotte sighed and dropped her gaze.

       “I’m the weirdo, the loser of the school. I’m the emo chick,” she began listing off names on her hands, “the laughing stock, the weakling, everybody’s target, freak, worthless, a burden, useless, unwanted…” Charlotte gazed at her hands, mind blank. Why was she everyone’s target? Did they get off on the feeling of doing this to a person? It can make them go insane if it goes far enough…

       The boy stared at her, face emotionless, but was screaming at the top of his lungs in his mind. A freak? Useless? Worthless?! How dare these mortals do this to her!!! What has she done to them?! He took in a deep breath, collecting himself, and then stood up slowly. A tear fell onto Charlotte’s pale hands and it did not go unnoticed by the boy, who walked around the table and quickly took a seat next to her and looked at her tilted head.

       He noticed that the students went back to their lunches and conversations, probably deciding that he’d come to his senses or something. The boy grabbed her lace covered hands and pulled them towards him, trying to get her to turn to him. Then he let out a gasp as he felt something very, very wrong. He felt cold…depressed and shills ran down his spine. Charlotte’s head flew up and her eyes stared into his with fright, but they-they were white! Completely white! With tears streaming down her face, she wrenched her hands out of his and darted away.

       The boy stared at the double doors she slipped out of with a mask of confusion. What just happened? Why did she run out? And why did he feel chills when he took her hands? He grabbed both trays and threw away the half-eaten food before taking a long and confusingly thoughtful walk out of the cafeteria.


It would be amazing if I got some comments or votes on this story! Please do either one, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks guys!!!!! And this is the best Nico pic i could find and i spent forever looking for one! If any of you have a better one, leave the URL in you comments! Okay bye!

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