Capture the flag with the chaos army part 1

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Hey, it's sillykitty2. Sorry I've been so long. I can't seem to focus on my story enough anymore. But one trying to be more active. I'm planning some new story's so that's always fun. If you guys have any ideas for any new chapters, feel free to leave a comment.
Chaos army plans usely go, someone has a completely idiotic idea that sound brilliant at the time, then someone almost dies and something blows up. This time was no different.
The day started normal. I woke up in one of the chaos army tents. I shared my tent with percy, who had gotten up early and went to find Chiron and get the schedule for the day. The tents were pretty cool, when you entered, the floor dropped of into a pillow cover floor. the rim of the bed was lined with pillows so it looked kind of like a nest of pillows. the floor was covered with blankets to sleep under. Each of the army members were teamed up, this team shared a tent and trained together. percy grouped us up to who he thinks would work best together. there was Me and Percy, Bianca and Ethan, Zöe and Orion, Jason and Perseus, Selena and Charley, And Michael, who didn't have a partner, but he also had the biggest tent, wich is the medical tent.

I sighed and layed back.I really didn't know what to do, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I was probably afraid they would find out who I was and started to mistrust me. I had to work hard to get percy to trust me completely and I was ashamed of myself and what I did. I didn't know the guilt would be so bad, but so many of my friends and fellow demigods were injured and killed because of me and I wanted to redeem myself. I thought, joining the chaos army would cure my guilt, but it didn't, and I still don't understand why I can't move on.

I guess that's the curse of joining the army. We all feel guilty about something, and this is our way of redeeming ourselfs. but it doesn't work, the guilt doesn't go away, it just grows, till you can't stand it and you slowly start to die on the inside (not litterly).

I had the most to feel guilt about in the group, but I think, percy is the one suffering the most. he ran away, left everything, and turned away from his pain, and now he had to face Annabeth and his broken heart, and he was dieing on the inside, unable to show weakness, and that's painful.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I almost didn't see percy walk in. "Hey hero" percy said, and I looked up at him in suprised.

"Hey percy" I said, "whats the scedule?" I asked. percy pulled down his hood. percy had changed alot he joined the army. he'd grown more mustle, but he was paler, and thinner. his usely sparkling sea-green eyes were dull and faded.

Percy scratched the back of his head and sat down, "well we have capture the flag against camp half-blood, then the camp is going to have a meeting" he told me and I nodded.

"The situation must be bad if we were called back to earth" I told him and percy nodded.

"Bad" I herd percy repeat. "what did that girl want yesterday?" I asked, percy had acted a bit strange after a girl had pull him aside.

Percy looked at me, "that was Anna rivers" he told me but when I kept looking at him for more he continued, "she's a daughter of Poseidon, she managed to figure out who I was" he told me, and suddenly understood. "Is she cool" I asked him, and that made the son of Poseidon smile.

"She's like a mini me" he told me and I laughed. it was nice to see him smile.

"So when can I meet her" I asked percy, and he shrugged,
"Dunno, maybe at breakfast" and with that he grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "speaking of breakfast, let's go" and we walked of to the mess hall.


As we walked up to the mess hall, Anna joined us, and can I say, she was like a mini percy before he left camp half-blood. she talked about her adventures, and how he had heard about me, I had decided to tell her who I was, she told me I was pretty cool if I was a friend of Annabeth and Thalia, but she didn't mention the whole thing about Kronos, and that was cool with me.

I wondered, she never mentioned any parents other than Poseidon, so I asked, but regretted it as soon as I mentioned it.

Anna tenced and stopped. I expected her to get defensive or to close up like most demigods did, but to my suprised, she calmed down and told me simply, "I never met her, she gave me away as soon as I was born, I grew up on the streets."

I stared at her in astonishment, but she just kept walking, she was so happy and cool. it was hard to believe she could have grown up alone. but she talked about it casually, even thought I could tell it was a touchy subject that she didn't like to talk about.

Anna walked with us for a while, but eventually, she ran ahead to catch us with a group of campers. when we entered the mess hall, I noticed emidetly that things had changed.

Everyone was mixed up, the kids didn't seem to sit with there siblings anymore. I saw the stoll brothers sitting with Katie gardener, and a hipnos girl that I didn't recognized.

Then I saw Anna, she sat with Annabeth, Leo, and two other demigods I didn't know. one was a boy, with blonde hair, and gray eyes, and the other, was a girl, her long, waist length, red hair, was in two braids, down her front, and was wearing a pair of hipster glasses.

The boy had one arm around the girl and was talking to Annabeth, and the redhead glared at me coldly, like she was judging the slowest, most painful way to kill me, I shuddered, she was kind of scary.

"HURRICANE!!!! HERO!!!! OVER HERE!!!!" Anna called out, waving her arms like a crazy person, trying to get our attention. I steered towards the table, fallowed by percy. I noticed for the first time, what Anna was wearing.

She was wearing a blue T-shirt, that was two times her size, sparkly skinny jeans, camouflage hiking boots, and a thick, brown leather belt.

Percy sat from the right of Annabeth, and I sat to the left. Annabeth looked at me and percy like, why are you sitting next to me? Anna smiled, and introduced the other kids as Jamie and sam, or samantha, (but from the way sam pursed her lips when Anna called her samantha, told me that she might kill me if i called her that.)

I continued to eat, when Chiron clopped up infront and started to announce that after breakfast we will be playing capture the flag, chaos army against camp half blood, "I am aware that all of the chaos army members have played I won't have to explain the game, to you all, so, good luck."

With that, everyone got up and left, spilling out of the mess hall. the camp half blood kids headed towards the armory to get ready. the chaos army headed towards the woods. We didn't really need to change, we did everything in these clothes (except sleep, because that would be gross)

When we got there, everyone was milling around talking. Anna came running up to me and percy. her raven black hair stuck out from under her bronze helmet, her pretty face smiled out from under her helmet and her armor hung a bit loosely on her skinny frame.

Anna was accompanied by Annabeth in her armor, leo and Sam, who still glared at me. "I can't wait!!" She said, "I'd really like to see you all fight", Sam scoffed and rolled her eyes.

I noticed a celestial bronze axe strapped to her back, it had a dangerous aura emanating of it, though I was scared to see what it actually did. she looked past me, straight at percy, her eyes flickered for a moment to Percy's pocket, were he always carried riptide, but only for emergencies. for a terrifying second I wondered if she could sense the pen his pocket but I pushed that though aside as Chiron came out fallowed by Dionysus. "been along time since I've seen him" I whispered to percy and he snickered,

" 'bout the only think I didn't miss" I heard percy wispers back, then we both fell silent as Dionysus started to speak.

"You brats better not get your selfs killed, I don't need anymore kids disappearing, last time I got in trouble with father and my uncle, especially my uncle..." I knew he was talking about Poseidon and Zeus. out of the corner of my eye I saw Percy's eyes drop to his feet in guilt and I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"Now let the games...begin!!!

Percy Jackson and the choas army//continued in other story//Where stories live. Discover now