Jacob: I know so I didn't get no sleep last night

Region: Do you want me to spend the night tonight

Jacob: no I'll be fine thanks though

Region: your welcome

They got out the car and Jacob locked the door then all of sudden a black van pulled up behind his car and he felt creeped out that's when region Boyfriend came up to him and Jacob just kept walking ....region boyfriend why is she hanging out with that loser and she got upset and walked off

Jacob went to his locker and something fell out

If both of you say anything about last night your dead I'm watching you

As he was reading Region scared him almost giving him a heart attack

Jacob: Don't scare me like that

Region: Sorry what's that

She took it and she got scared as well

Region: who wrote this

Jacob: I don't know

Region: Great now they are after us

Jacob: maybe it was a bad idea for Tevin to take us there

Region: what was he there for anyway

Jacob got quiet and made sure nobody wasn't listening

Region: hello earth to Jacob

Jacob: if I tell you you can't tell anyone

Region: ok

Jacob: He took something from them

Michael all of sudden had a vision and heard what he said so he continued watching

Region: what do you mean

Jacob: Region are you trying to get me killed

Region: no I wanna know I won't tell

Jacob: Come on( they went somewhere private)

Region: ok are you going to show me now

Jacob: He was returning this(opened his book bag)

Michael now know that Jacob knows and is he target

Region: how did you get that

Jacob: He told me to carry it but I forgot about everything about last night crept me out

Region: uh Jacob ...I think your dead

Jacob: I think we both are but nobody can't find out about it if we want to have our life

Region: ok let's make a deal not to say anything

They made a deal and the bell ringed so they were off to class and Michael got out the van and up to Jacob car he searched it

Jacob POV

I am in class listening to the teacher taking notes Cause we have a quiz soon and I have to take notes so I can pass

Region couldn't focus or think straight after everything Jacob told her but she tried her best to remain focus

Lunch time

Jacob POV

Finally lunch time then as I walking I saw a man in black staring at me oh god ok just don't pay attention to him and his eyes are like dark red that's when I seen Region

Region POV

I saw Jacob and he wasn't paying attention that he bumped into me

Region: Dammit Jacob

Jacob: Sorry are you ok

Region: yes I'm fine

They went to go get there food and felt like they were being watched until a good friend of Jacob came up to them

Jose: Did you guys hear about Tevin

Jacob: yes we did

Jose: Bro that crazy ...I heard he was suppose to turn in a tone that he stole

Jacob looked up at him when he said that

Jacob: How did you find out about that

Jose: Well he showed it to me

Jacob: oh no

He grabbed Region and Jose Hand they headed to the car

Jacob: Are you fucking crazy

Jose: I didn't tell nobody

Jacob: Ok but our life is on the line right now Jose you had to tell somebody

Jose: well I probably told two people

Region: See Jose you can't keep no damn secret

Jacob: Who all did you tell

Jose: well

Jacob: What

Jose: I told Adeya and ......Heather

Jacob was pissed that he told heather


Jose: Sorry

Jacob: I feel sick

He ran up to a tree and threw up Michael knew they all were dead

Region: Are you ok

Jacob: I'm getting dizzy

Then he suddenly passed out and was taking to the Nurses office

Continuing on next chapter

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