73. Hallucinations? Real life? Both are a living hell

Start bij het begin

- You're a ghost. That's gotta be it, I see him shaking his head negatively while smirking evily again. You're a ghost, that's what's happening right now. Jer... Jeremy, I quickly look up at the ceiling before screaming my brother's name. Jeremy! The hunter keeps staring at me with his dark eyes as he seems to really appreciate to see me like this. You're a ghost; you're haunting me. You're a ghost; you're haunting me, I whisper to myself as I close my eyes, hoping that when I will open them again he will be gone.

- Can a ghost do this? demands me, Connor before grabbing me in a chokehold and starts to strangle me. Oh, my God... I struggle at first before thrusting my elbow into his stomach. I release myself from his grasp and push him with my vampire strength. Connor flies across the dining table, but he quickly gets back up and begins to walk towards me. No... I turn around and grab a kitchen knife. I go back to Connor as he is still approaching me quickly before stabbing him easily in the neck. The man grunts in pain as I remove the blade from his neck. Wha... No, Jer! I drop the knife on the floor, shocked by what I did.

- Oh my god! I whisper sadly and I feel my eyes watering up quickly. Jeremy stares at me in pain as he falls on the floor. I go down with him, crying as I remark that my brother's eyes are lifeless. Jer! Jer! Jer! Jer! No, no, no, no, no, no. I look down and grab my little brother's hand to see if he is wearing his ring. Oh good... However, I still feel as bad as when I discovered that it was him that I stabbed and not Connor. No, no. Jer! Jeremy! I call my brother while crying as I grab his head between my hands and shake it, like it will bring him faster from the dead.

Gillian's P.O.V.

I slowly open my eyes, waking up slowly and by myself. It's been a while since I slept that well... I stretch and yawn when I remark that Damon is next to me, still asleep. I better not wake him up. I gently and discretely take the sheet off of me as I sit upright. I was about to get up when a pair of arms bring me back to bed. I didn't even have time to react that my uncle begins to tickle my sides, causing me to start laughing.

- Damon! Stop-stop it! AHH!! Damon, you have no right! AHH! I tell him, laughing uncontrollably as I grab his hands to take them off. He lets me do it and stops tickling my sides. I lay on my back still laughing and smiling as I look at a smiling Damon. My uncle looks down at me as one of his hand is still holding mine. I hate you, Uncle Damon, I say playfully before laughing again, which made my uncle to roll his eyes playfully as well.

- And I hate you too, Boo, responds, Damon while chuckling. I smile and weakly giggle as we stare at each other.

- Is that our new way to say "I love you"? I ask him with a joking tone which caused my uncle to laugh and nod positively.

- I guess so, he answers. I nod as well before slowly stopping smiling and looking at the ceiling. My uncle stops smiling as well when he releases my hand to go put it on my cheek. I feel him lightly pushing my cheek so I am looking at him again. You should go see him, he whispers to me, mentioning my father. I sigh and look away again before taking his hand off. I sit upright, followed by Damon.

- I don't want to see him, I whisper back as I bring my knees to my chest.

- Gillian, listen to me, you should go see your father. He regrets deeply, you have no idea, answers, my uncle with a gentle voice.

- How do you know that? I gently ask him as you can hear the pain in my voice.

- Because I know everything. I'm the oldest one in this house, remember? I crack a smile as I put my head on my knees. Damon puts his hand on my back and lightly caresses it. Gillian, knowing you, it's not a fight that will get to you and your father. Your love, your kindness and that caring that you have for each other is too deep for it to be broken with a finger snap, I look up at him, staying silent. I take a deep breath in before leaning against my uncle.

Stefan Salvatore's daughter ~ MiracleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu