The Train Chase

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(Flashbacks of the Kyurangers fighting the Jark Matter)

Raptor:We are the space themed sentai who can take care of the world,we were chosen by our Kyutamas to save the galaxy,there's only 12 of us.

Spada:Yeah,and we're the only warriors here and now...

Hammie:With the universe under our trails,the Jark Matter is spreading tears to the children...

Champ:But the good news is we came in and saved the world.

Stinger:We were geared in the stars and planets...

Champ:But then we land here to earth,That's why they got us there.

Hammie:Recently this dark scientist just came back from his vacation...and that's why he made Darkland.

Mio:Really,is that right?

Jin:(looks at the hand book) The whole trip was a trap?!

Right:I get it.Or at least about a half.

(Spada,Raptor and Kagura almost got into the ground)

Spada:Wait,only half?

Right:Yeah,all we got to do is fight Dr Dark and we'll defeat him with one finger.

Spada:Wait,we're only to get beat.

Raptor:Yeah,he reminds me of Lucky...


Spada:Yeah...he should be here by now.

Raptor:Oh! Look! See!

(A shishi zord came out of nowhere,it is Lucky (Shishi Red) on his zord,following up the Kaijin Train)

Shishi Red:Spada! Raptor! Sorry for the wait!

(Spada and Raptor looked at the train window)

Raptor:Come on,let's switch to that zord,ok...

(The crows shows up)

Voice:You're not getting away that easy.

(Now Transforming)

Right and Kagura:Toq change!

(Seiza change)

Spada and Raptor:Star Change!

(They all henshined and fight the crows)

Washi Pink:You two need to get over there,now!

Toq 1gou:Wait,shouldn't u two get over there?

Kajiki Yellow:We have no choice!

(They all fight the crows then Shishi Red goes for a try to stop the Kaijin Train)

Shishi Red:Here we go...

(His shishi zord pulls over the Kaijin Train that makes Kajiki Yellow,Washi Pink,Toq 1gou and Toq 5gou tumble each other and Shishi Red tumble)

Toq 1gou:Watch out! Kagura,are u ok?

Toq 5gou:Yeah.

Shishi Red:Shoot,a tunnel!

Voice:Once you're in the tunnel,there's nothing u can do!

Kajiki Yellow:Plan B...(uses his mawaslide to shoot the window) Alright,get ready to jump! (But the wind swoops him away) Wait! Aah! Raptor!!

Washi Pink:Spada! You two,hurry up!

Toq 1gou:(pushes Toq 5gou) Kagura,get going!

(Washi Pink and Toq 5gou gets put off the window and tumbles to the ground,leaving Toq 1gou alone fighting the crows,he goes but slips)

Toq 1gou:That's...bananas! (got caught by the crows)

(The Kaijin train got away)

Toq 5gou:Right!

Washi Pink:No,its too dangerous.(pulls back Toq 5gou,leaving Shishi Red after the Kaijin Train)

Shishi Red:Wait!

Toq 5gou:Right-!

(Raptor and Kagura demorphs)

Raptor:They're gone...Oh,Spada! (runs into Spada) Spada! Are u ok?

Spada:Yup,I'm fine.

(Raptor and Kagura lifts him up,then Akumaro appears)

Akumaro:Hello,Toq 5gou,and greetings to u,Kyuranger saviors.


Akumaro:If you're curious,I'll enlighten you.I created the Kaijin train,after all.

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