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Winwin pov.

I'm on my way to my job. It's my first day. I can't believe I got in! I received a call from earlier that I got accepted. While walking, I tripped into someone but fortunately, he caught me with his grip which prevented me from falling. When I turned to thank him. It was Yuta, my new boss. Lucky day! What a mood to get fired on my first day, I thought. "T-t-th-thank you Sir. I stuttered. I heard him mutter cute but I shrugged it off. "Call me Yuta if were not at work." He said "Ok Yuta, thanks for saving me earlier." "You're welcome." He said "Let me give you a ride." He offered "It's ok sir, I can walk there." "It's ok, don't be shy." "O-ok s-si-r, t-t-tha-nk y-ou" I stuttered again.

The car ride to the company was silent. Now, I'm eating lunch at the company cafeteria with my new friend Doyoung. We met after Yuta introduced us and we got really well. After lunch, I decided to continue my work.


Taeil called. "Winwin, you're parents are finding you, I told them you're hanging out with your friends and they told me that you need to go home for dinner because they want you to meet someone." He said. "Ok, I'll go ask my boss for an early leave. Thanks and goodbye."

I knocked on Yuta's door until I heard him say come in. "Sir." "Yes?" He said "I need to go home early since my parents rarely come home and they want to have dinner." I asked "Sure. Go fix yourself up and tell me that you're going home after." He said. I said thanks and left. Good thing that he wasn't those shitty boss that will overwork and abuse their employees. He also is really caring and I can't help to like him. It's love at first sight I guess.

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