"Dora, I can't..."

"You deserve to be happy. That's all I'm saying."

Nymphadora pulled her younger sister in for another hug and let out a sigh. She spotted two figures walking towards them and pulled away.

"Looks like you're ride is here." Tonks said and Willa turned around.

She smiled when she saw Cedric, and the butterflies in her stomach went haywire. If it was possible (which it was), Cedric had gotten even more handsome since she last saw him. His facial features were more defined and his dark hair seemed to shine in the sunlight.

"Hey Ced! Amos."

"Morning Willa. Ready for an adventure today?" Mr. Diggory said cheerfully.

It made Willa cringe slightly. It was still way too early in the morning to be that happy. Nonetheless, she smiled.

"Yep. Are we meeting the Weasley's there?"

"No, we're meeting them at Stoateshead Hill. We're going by Portkey there, and then to the game." Cedric explained.

"Oh, cool. Well, shall we?" Willa smiled and Ced nodded.

"Bye Tonks. See you tomorrow." Willa waved to her sister who returned it with a smile then wandered back inside their house. She followed Cedric and his father to where they had arrived by Portkey.

"Ever travelled by Portkey before?" Cedric asked her as they approached a brown, manky looking old boot.

"Only once with my mum but I don't fancy it much." Willa replied.

The three of them grabbed the boot and were whisked away. Willa felt nauseous and wanted so very much to be back on the ground. Luckily it didn't take too long to get to their destination.

She landed on the ground with a hard thud, while Cedric and Amos landed on their feet.

"You're supposed to land on your feet." Cedric smirked. He held out his hand for her.

Willa glared at her best friend. "Shut up Diggory."

She took his hand, ignoring the butterflies, and he pulled her up. For a brief moment, they stood close to each other, and Willa's heart raced. But Cedric, apparently unfazed, smiled and let go once he was sure she wouldn't fall backwards.


"Over here Arthur! Over here, we've got it!"

"Amos!" Mr Weasley grinned as he led the group behind him towards the three. The two men shook hands.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone." Mr Weasley said. "Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?"

"Hi." Ced greeted.

Everyone smiled and said hello, except for Fred and George who had a bit of a sour look on their faces, and merely nodded. Clearly, the twins still hadn't let go of their grudge against Hufflepuff for beating Gryffindor at the Quiddtich match last year.

Willa spotted the twins looking in her direction, and chuckled when their expressions changed at the sight of her.

"Little Tonks is here too!" George yelled cheerfully, running over to hug her. Fred followed and the two of them ruffled her hair before walking away.

Willa rolled her eyes playfully, fixing her hair. "Hello."

"Oh, Willa, I didn't know you were joining us!" Mr Weasley smiled.

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