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"You didn't ask for a picture together though!" Emily, my close friend complained.

Emily and I have been friends since we were just kindergartens. I actually believe she knows me sometimes better than I know myself.

I groaned before facing her, "I told you for the hundredth time already, Emily Rheen, HE HAD TO LEAVE RIGHT AWAY."

Emily then chuckled and raised her hands as a sign of defeat, "Okay.. Keep your chill. Gee, Elle, it seems like you are easily irritated nowadays."

Before I can even reply, I heard my phone rang. It was my dad. He asked me if I could meet him somewhere because he has something really important to give me.

I bid my goodbye to Emily and immediately went to the restaurant. I didn't know why I was shaking the moment I saw him. I know he's done terrible things and I want to hate him or scrap that, I need to hate him for that but somehow, deep inside me, I still love him. He's my father, after all. The last thing that I want is him leaving our family and choosing his mistress.

I finally mustered enough courage to go inside. I tried to keep a straight face as I took the seat in front of him.

"Papa.." I gave him a loop-sided smile and glanced at whatever he was holding.

"Natalie, do you want something? We could go order."

Even though I could smell the pancakes cooking, I don't know why I didn't really feel like eating.

I shook my head, "I'm still full, pa. What is it that you're going to give me?"

I didn't want to believe it. I made up excuses in my mind, reasons that are way more impossible than the idea of him giving me the papers for his and mom's divorce.

"Take this to your mom, let her read it and sign it." He handed me a brown envelope.

"What is this for, pa?" I opened the envelope with my hands shaking. I knew it. Where did
he find the guts to even get this thing started when he was the one who asked me to kept quiet about his affair in the first place?

With his sad eyes, he held my hand, "I have to attend a client meeting Nat. Just do me a favour give that to your mother. Also, go eat something before you leave. I love you so much honey," he kissed me on the forehead and put down a bill on the table.

I watched his back turn away from me. I couldn't move from where I was sitting. What kind of a selfish man he is to throw our family away in an instant? I was dumb enough to believe that covering up for him would help save our family when it was already broken to begin with because of him.

I could feel my eyes slowly heating up and the next thing I knew, I was sobbing. In a public restaurant. I didn't even care if people were looking at me. I just couldn't take it.

A figure sitting at the far end of the resto came up to me and offered me a tissue.

"You probably need this," he said. I don't even have to look up to check whose voice was it. I know who he is.

"Thank you, Benj"

"I saw what happened. I was watching you guys from where I was sitting. Though I wasn't really sure what was it about." He looked at me with his concerned eyes and the next thing I knew, he was hugging me from behind.

"Stop crying already. You're scaring the heck out of me." I tried to calm myself down but his embrace made it even harder for me to stop.

Without any strength left, I tried to take his arms off me. "What are you doing, Benj? Stop that, people are looking at us." I said in a groggy voice.

"Only if you stop crying," I could feel his hot breath on my neck and the warmth of his arms wrapped around me.

After a few seconds, I managed to calm myself down and he immediately let me go.

"They say that a hug induces the production of oxytocin, a 'feel-good' hormone that gives you warm fuzzies," He said as an excuse.

"Whatever you say, Benjamin." He let out a cute chuckle that warmed up my heart.

"But thank you—" I said while trying to catch his gaze "It was good to have someone that would make me look less like a loser."

"That gives me an idea for the next issue that the paparazzi might make. 'A stranger wins at life after meeting Benjamin Pangilinan'," and with that remark, I couldn't help but smile.

TORN / A Donny and Benjamin Pangilinan FanFicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें