Chapter 2

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Clove tells me to head down to the cafe. I do as she says, wondering what her trainer, Atresia, Atrelia, something like that, wants. Probably to say goodbye or whatever. My trainer did.

I finally reach the dinner and stroll up to the counter. I order a strawberry milkshake and a flapjack for Clove and for myself, I buy a bottle of soda. I sit at one of the adjoining tables, against the window. I sit there waiting for Clove. 'Why is she taking so long?' I think to myself. 'It must be important'. Then I start to think about Clove. Clove. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I don't know how to tell her. I think I should write a letter. No. Clove hates letters, she thinks it's a waste of time, writing that is, she prefers someone talking to her face. But I can't do that. I haven't got the guts. I just don't know what to do! I slump in the chair, holding my head with my hands, when I suddenly feel someone's arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"Get off, will you, Clove?" I tell her.

"What's wrong with you mister grumpy pants?" she giggles.

"Nothing, just been thinking." should I tell her.

"About what?" she says as she sits down on the plump, leather chair.

Should I tell her? "About...err...umm... I've been thinking about..." I really want to tell her.

"About me?" she says flipping her luxorius, soft, brown hair. Should I tell her?

"Err...I...I hh..."

"You have?" As speaks she takes my hands in hers. I look at her, at her eyes, her beautiful eyes. ""

"What about me?"

Can I tell her? "I've been thinking about you"

"About me and?" I stay silent. "Cato, you can tell me, I'll listen, you can tell me anything."

"It doesn't matter."


"Don't worry."

"Cato, what's wrong?"

"It's nice to know that you care but I ccc..." Clove cuts me off before I can finish.

"Care? Cato, care? Of course I care! Your my bestfriend! Well more than that, I can't explain but... well your just more than a friend." I feel a rush of heat run through me. I start to smile a little. "So of course I care! How can you say it's nice to know? I've always cared! But I guess you haven't cared enough about me to see it before!" Clove gets up to leave but I pull her down.

"Of course I could see that you cared and I care about you! I more than care about you! I love you Clove! I've loved you since, since, since the very first day I met you, nine years ago. I guess I've never had the guts to tell you that! I love you Clove!" As soon as I say it I regret it.
"What?" she whispers. REALLY regret it.
"I love you, Clove!! I know that you'd never feel the same, that's I never told you before and I'm sorry for ever hurting you and everything I've done to upset you which I guess is more than I'd like so I'll just leave now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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